Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2273: Qiongqi's "conspiracy"

This time, Xiao Yu unexpectedly showed a look of expectation.

To be honest, he used to dream of going to higher planes. Perhaps this was the pursuit of everyone in the entire sect world, but Xiao Yu would be much stronger than ordinary people for this desire.

But he is also a normal person. If he becomes the strongest person in the sect world and suddenly reaches a higher plane, he must start from scratch, or start from scratch, then his self-confidence will definitely be a blow. Moreover, it will take some time in the process, which cannot be denied.

It wasn't that Xiao Yu couldn't accept it. He also knew that the lower planes were very different from the higher planes.

But if you can go to a higher plane and you have a certain strength foundation, even if you can look at it with a small number of cultivators, then your self-confidence will not be hit so severely!

It's as if he was a genius who was suddenly turned into a mortal. Even a person with a good temperament will definitely have some gaps in the beginning.

Therefore, Xiao Yu himself had thought about it many times.

My blood comes from a higher plane. If I grew up in a higher plane at first, is the situation different?

"What? Your heart moved?" Qongqi asked.

"Well," Xiao Yu nodded, but changed his voice, and said, "But I also know that it is impossible to do it so casually, right?"

The fierce light in Qiongqi’s eyes flickered, and he stared at Xiao Yu and said, "For ordinary people, it is. But for you, it may be a lot easier. Because your blood is from a higher plane, you don’t actually belong here. If this is the case, then I am sure."

"Don't sell Guanzi." Xiao Yu finally couldn't wait.

Even at his cultivation realm, he thought he could rank among the first-class powers in the sect world, even if he had now awakened the innate life spirit body, Xiao Yu was still dissatisfied.

What Qiongqi said now, but for his own future consideration!

And these, Xiao Yu didn't know how many times he dreamed about these things.

"In fact, this way, more precisely, I thought of it myself." Qiongqi said proudly.

Xiao Yu immediately guessed Qiongqi's intentions and said, "Are you not here these years, just researching these things, and then looking for someone who can take you away?"

"You’re right, even if it’s the number one master you mentioned that I met a thousand years ago, I didn’t tell him this way, because even if he can take me out of here, it’s impossible to take me far in the future. , There is no ability to protect me."

Xiao Yu smiled nonchalantly: "That's it, you not only want me to take you out of here, but you also want me to protect you until your bloodline is fully restored!"

Qiongqi was a little bit dodge-minded. It was obvious that Xiao Yu's "conspiracy" had been exposed by Xiao Yu.

But it quickly snorted: "That's for sure. Otherwise, if you only take me back to the higher planes, I'm afraid I won't live for two days."

Xiao Yu's heart moved and laughed: "Oh, yes, I heard that you are a beast who specializes in cannibalism. Could it be that you have too many enemies, and you are worried that you will be too weak just after returning to attract enemies?

Being exposed to his past once again, Qiongqi's posture of dodge this time is even bigger, and he has an awkward look.

"Boy. Now that you guessed it, I'll tell you, yes, that's it. So you don't know how worried I was when this plane was about to collapse thousands of years ago."

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