Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2277: Comprehend Tao Yun (Part 1)

Xiao Yu didn't rush to comprehend these so-called Dao Yun, but looked at Qiongqi strangely, and said, "In fact, the Dao Yun state you are talking about overlaps with the good fortune state?"

In fact, this is not hard to guess.

The lower planes, after being tempered by the nine-fold physical body, are beyond the so-called nine-fold good fortune realm, but entering the high planes is equivalent to starting anew.

And Qiongqi's method was to give Xiao Yu sufficient strength, without starting from a rookie after entering a higher plane, so that Xiao Yu at least had the ability to save his life.

That is to say, the five-fold Taoist aggregate realm is a stronger existence than the nine-fold good fortune realm.

Qiong Qi nodded and said: "You have reached the point. I told you that the first level of Taoism is equivalent to the third level of creation realm here. The second level of Taoism is equivalent to the sixth level of creation realm here. Triple is equivalent to the nine levels of good fortune realm."

Xiao Yu suddenly took a deep breath. What he thought was that if he could fully comprehend the Taoism here, wouldn't he be one of the top powerhouses in the sect world?

It's incredible!

"Don't be happy so early," Qiongqi poured cold water down, "Dao Yun triple, just to say your ultimate level. I said that I can help you, but to provide you with such a possibility, or opportunity, rather than I completely help you improve your strength, you know, in my current state, I also need you to help me. I can do very little."

"Understood." Xiao Yu nodded.

What Qiongqi said could help Xiao Yu to leave, but Qiongqi didn't mean to pack a ticket, or how could it be possible for so many years and so many people to suffer without this result?

It's only because I saw Xiao Yu's extraordinaryness and felt the blood condition on Xiao Yu's body, that's why I had this idea.

Although the heavenly good fortune can be met and unquestionable, it is not something that you can get when you meet it. It also requires talent, some chance, or some strength.

Now Qiongqi is to provide Xiao Yu with such an opportunity to strengthen Xiao Yu. It depends on Xiao Yu's own good fortune.

Qiongqi said: "As for the four and five levels of Taoism, if you can comprehend that realm before entering the higher planes, then even if you go to the higher planes, even if you are not enough to become a strong one. Ranks, but I can be sure that you have surpassed many people. And these two realms, you need to rely on yourself."

Whether it's the realm of good fortune or the realm of Taoism, it is a realm in plain terms.

It's just that the realm of Taoism is a brand new name.

Qiongqi suddenly looked at Xiao Yu with great interest, and said, "If I guess correctly, you can easily skip the first two levels, right?"

Xiao Yu nodded lightly and couldn't comment.

If the conversation between Qiongqi and Xiao Yu were heard, I am afraid that all the disciples in this trial of the Seven Sects will seriously drop their jaws.

In short, Xiao Yu had directly reached the sixth level of good fortune realm!

What degree is that? That difference is not to be able to catch up with the level of the best literary warfare under the seven sects, and even challenge the great elders of the major sects, and even the existence of the strongest under the sovereign!

In fact, when Xiao Yu hadn't absorbed the spirit wood core, he had already used the blazing fire spirit pill to break through to the third level of good fortune.

After being baptized by the life force of the spirit tree core and transformed into an innate life spirit body, his body has been washed again, which is to the level of the sixth level of good fortune.

Qiongqi sighed in his heart: "It is unimaginable that the blood of the higher planes, the innate spirit body, the gods, and the ancient spirit beasts will gather in one person."

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