Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2278: Comprehend Tao Yun (Part 2)

Even Qiongqi himself couldn't imagine what kind of identity background this person had, or what kind of opportunity would he possess so many things that even higher planes cannot easily appear?

It seems to have a feeling that it has waited for more than a thousand years, and perhaps the hope is all in this kid.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu didn't speak, and calmed down. Then he crossed his legs in front of the stele. His soul scanned the "words" that were made up by moss.

Soon, what imprinted in Xiao Yu’s mind was the practice left by a senior expert. Even if Xiao Yu could directly understand the meaning of this rune, the Taoism is like a heavenly book, extremely obscure. Incomprehensible, this made Xiao Yu feel a frown for the first time.

This level of obscurity can be compared to the level of resting on the Buddha Pagoda, Soul Dao, and even Shura Art.

"Could it be that the Taoism in this stele was a very powerful person during his lifetime?"

Xiao Yu knew that the Divine Soul Dao, the Buddha Tower, and the Asura Art were extraordinary, and they were certainly extraordinary things that could be compared with them.

Although obscure, Xiao Yu at least omitted the first step to transform into his own language.

But Xiao Yu felt a kind of regret. You regret this because he unexpectedly discovered that there was very little Taoism in it, or just a short paragraph.

But he didn't think too much, and continued to comprehend.

Qiongqi's voice came over: "According to my thoughts and guesses about you, it should take three hours before you can digest the Taoism on this stone tablet."

When Qiongqi said this, he was already taking a conservative estimate of Xiao Yu's time.

And this also implies that Xiao Yu needs to carefully convert these runes into words that he can understand before he can truly understand.

After half an hour, Qiongqi itself lay on the ground, but its eyes suddenly opened, bursting with light, and immediately stood up.

"how is this possible!"

In half an hour? A full two and a half hours ahead!

This is almost impossible!

On the stone monument, the faint moonlight faded away.

Xiao Yu also opened his eyes and stood up, without seeing Qiongqi's expression and expression at all.

Qiongqi couldn't help but look at Xiao Yu in disbelief, but the latter said to himself: "Now I finally understand why you said that you can comprehend the Taoism on all stone tablets before you have the chance to reach the triple level of Taoism. There is really very little Taoism on it."

Qiong Qi was dumbfounded. It wasn't that he was entangled, but Xiao Yu didn't seem to have any consciousness.

Then, Xiao Yu walked to the other stone steles on his own and continued to penetrate.

It took another half an hour, and then half an hour later, another half an hour, Xiao Yu penetrated a full eight steles in one breath.

After a while, Xiao Yu's body was filled with a strange light, this light flickered, and the whole person disappeared.

"You..." Qiongqi was speechless.

It was originally a plan. It would take at least a day for Xiao Yu to reach this level, but it seemed to be wrong, and Xiao Yu was much faster than he thought.

And now, Xiao Yu has reached the second stage of the realm of Dao Yun!

In other words, Xiao Yu can already start to make a triple impact!

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