Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2506: Bloodhoof Fury (Part 1)

Hearing the black crow talking like this, Bloodhoof's expression darkened suddenly, and even Xiao Yu was sighed.

Last time, because he wanted to kill Hou Chunyang and other second-rate sects, Bloodhoof had already exploded with the strongest force.

After all, as the corpse in the coffin, its own power is limited, especially for existences like Bloodhoof, and the opponents they face are so powerful, natural, and the power consumed is certainly not random.

Bloodhoof is like an old horse, he will breathe after a few steps, but it is undeniable that he was also a group of Maxima.

Bloodhoof had helped Xiao Yu. Because of this, Xiao Yu didn't want to see Bloodhoof and die.

However, the idea of ​​bloodhoof is very strong, and there is no way for bloodhoof to appear.

"Black Crow, you want to destroy this plane, have you asked me?" Bloodhoof said in a deep voice.

The black crow laughed wildly: "Bloodhoof, are you confused, or do you not know what is going on for a long time? Do you think that your little power can stop me? No one can! The capable one appears, but the mighty one cannot appear a second time."

Such decisive action made Wen Zhan's minds fall even further.

Thousands of years ago, it was the emergence of the mighty that quelled that war and maintained the stability of the 36-small world.

Therefore, Wen Zhan naturally hoped that the mighty person would appear again, but the black crow said with certainty that perhaps the mighty person would not appear anymore.

Because if it were to appear, it would have appeared the moment before.

After all, the current space has already begun to shatter partly!

It's just that the space has the ability to repair itself. As long as the black crow's power is not further urged, then the space cracks will not be urged to the extent of broken.

"I have enough to kill you." Bloodhoof said again.

The black crow sneered: "Kill me? Do you rely on you?"

Bloodhoof pointed at Xiao Yu and said calmly, "Do you know who this person is?"

The Black Crow narrowed his eyes, and suddenly stopped talking.

He really didn't know Xiao Yu's bloodline, but he could feel that Xiao Yu was really strong and strong, at least that kind of physical talent and the breath of the bloodline of the gods made him feel that he was definitely not a mortal.

Although Black Crow is a person of higher planes, his knowledge is not as strong as that of Bloodhoof. Therefore, he doesn't know what bloodline Xiao Yu is, let alone who Xiao Yu is, so he is curious. .

But Bloodhoof shook his head and said, "Well, how could you, such a tiny ant, know such existence? You are not qualified to know."

The black crow was furious immediately.

He has no status in the ancient continent at all, and only in his own Black Cliff world and here can countless people feel terrified.

Because of the power he controlled with one hand, he was in charge of the killing power of all creatures in the 36 Xiaotian world, but in front of Bloodhoof, that sense of superiority seemed to be lost.

The most important thing is that Bloodhoof is obviously a dead person, but he is so underestimated. It is easy to kill Bloodhoof now, who gave him such courage.

"Bloodhoof, don't rely on the old and sell the old here, I don't need much effort to kill you. But my goal today is not you, you go away, I don't need to kill you!"

Bloodhoof suddenly raised his head, his eyes flushed, and he said in a deep voice: "I have been fighting on the battlefield with Bloodhoof for many years, and I have never succumbed to it. Dare to speak up in front of me. Today, even if your body and spirit are destroyed, I will kill you!"

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