Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2507: Bloodhoof Fury (Part 2)

When the black crow heard this, he was immediately furious and laughed: "Bloodhoof, who do you really think you are? You are no longer the same you were back then. You dare to speak so boldly. If so, I will connect with you Destroyed!"

As soon as the black crow's voice fell, he shook his palm, countless lightning and thunder, black rays of light burst, and the terrifying vigor spread, and the space shook and shattered again.

A series of small hurricanes suddenly swept out from many spatial cracks.

"Space turbulence!"

Wen Zhan's face changed frantically when he saw this kind of thing.

Legend has it that space is the strangest and most terrifying thing in the world.

The weak and weak, if they encounter space turbulence, they will be strangled into countless fragments and then become part of the space turbulence.


Suddenly, many people suddenly screamed, and only saw many people, after being touched by the turbulent flow of these spaces, their bodies were fragmented, and even the blood did not burst out, all turned into pieces. Block, and then become part of those turbulence.

All of a sudden, those screams sounded in the venue one after another. After the tragic sounds sounded, one after another life disappeared.

The spatial turbulence is too terrifying, squeezing out from the cracks in the space, like a demon, it takes a person's life in an instant, terrifying.

These spatial turbulences are actually not many. Among the mountain gates of Xiaoyaomen, there are only a dozen of them, and they are not too large. As long as you avoid them, you can avoid being killed.

If it encounters real spatial turbulence, the sweeping speed is simply impossible to avoid.

But because of this, it caused a big chaos in the venue, and everyone was avoiding the turbulence.

Although the speed of these small turbulences is not fast, not everyone can avoid it.

Therefore, there are still many people killed in the Seven Sects, and the number of deaths is also on the rise.

The whole audience fled around in that kind of panic, no one was exception, no one wanted to be touched by this kind of turbulence, and then be swallowed and killed.

And in other places in the Zongmen world, it is the same as here. There is turbulence in the owner space everywhere. Whether it is the black cliff sect demons or the people in the Zongmen world, they are all caught in the cracks The squeezed out space turbulence killed.

Zhao Xin and others' faces were extremely pale, which was simply terrifying.

The strength of one person, the burst of momentum, not only affects the cracks in space, but the level of one person can already reach the level of the collision of the power of the two planes a thousand years ago!

Moreover, the black crow's moves have not actually reached the peak!

If it is activated, then the plane space is absolutely unbearable. At that time, the world of thirty-six small heavens will really collapse!

When Xiao Yu saw such a scene, his heart suddenly became anxious.

He admits in his heart that he is not the opponent of Black Crow, the latter is really strong, but if he does nothing, then everyone here will be killed!

Seeing this scene, Bloodhoof sounded like a prehistoric voice between heaven and earth.

"Black Crow, you, a dead person, are also here to stir the wind and the rain. Today, my bloodhoof will walk for the sky at the cost of my life! The hammer of the storm!!!"

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