Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2524: Unwilling will

The change in Xiao Yu's eyes made Wen Zhan and the others seem to see a kind of hope.

"Xiao Yu, do you remember? You are Xiao Yu! You are not a murderer, nor a devil!" Zhao Xin hurriedly shouted as if she had seen hope.

Xiao Yu's expression suddenly showed pain, and the complex meaning in his eyes became deeper.

At this moment, the **** killing in Xiao Yu's mind began to become chaotic.

In the chaos, there is a light that is constantly flickering and blinking, and the light continues to increase.

This is Xiao Yu's sober mind that has been hidden.

The power of the killing realm was simply too terrifying, and it instantly covered Xiao Yu's mind.

Even if he didn't fully urge the killing realm power himself, his mind was covered by a sea of ​​blood, leaving only a trace of light.

And as Xiao Yu kills more and more people, his mind will be buried more thoroughly, until it is finally swallowed, completely turning into a kind of murderous demon.

But at this moment, because of Zhao Xin's words, Xiao Yu's consciousness began to appear sober.

But his soberness was covered by **** killing intent on the spot.

This kind of will to kill tried to destroy Xiao Yu's spiritual wisdom, and made Xiao Yu surrender for the killing.

But within the blood-colored will to kill, the more the light was suppressed, the more rebellious it became. In the end, there was a struggle with the blood-colored will to kill.

"No, I can't just kill like this, I can't let my friends and relatives suffer, I can't be dominated by the killings, I am me, and all my power is controlled by me!"

Xiao Yu's consciousness finally showed a strong will to survive.

His consciousness was completely suppressed just now, and he didn't even have any thoughts.

And now, even though there was still half of the pain in his consciousness, Xiao Yu himself was a determined person.

As Zhao Xin said, everything he did was not for himself, but for his friends and people around him, so that he would not leave any regrets.

But now, because of the urging of the killing realm, it was not his intention to turn himself into a murderer.

It was precisely because it was not his intention that Xiao Yu would resist and possess such a strong willpower.

"No! I can't just go down like this! I want to go to the five great temples to find Ling'er, I also need to know who my parents are, I also want to know what my blood family is, and I want to become stronger , I have to go to higher planes, I have to stand on the pinnacle of the Nine Heavens World, I can’t just die like this!

Suddenly, a cry from the depths of the soul resounded.

The light of the **** killing stalemate suddenly flourished, glowing with endless brilliance, and filled Xiao Yu's entire mind.

That kind of unyielding, unwillingness, and super resistance broke through all obstacles in an instant, and the blood-colored will to kill was instantly annihilated.


A dazzling white light flashed out of Xiao Yu's body, and the white light flickered in mid-air, making Xiao Yu look like a bright moon from the horizon.

An aura of righteousness filled the sky, and Zhao Xin was overjoyed when he saw the state of Xiao Yu's body.

This is the Xiao Yu she knew!

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