Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2525: Rising talented powerhouse

When the white light disappeared and the **** mist completely dissipated, the figure of the young man was finally revealed.

It is still so tall and straight, still so graceful, still so graceful.

On the face like a crown jade, there is a colorful smoothness.

A pair of eyes that are as deep as stars, it makes people look up at the sky.

Yes, this is the Xiao Yu they have always known.

Xiao Yu took control of his will again, and made him feel a kind of comfort that he had never had before.

And when he looked at Zhao Xin who was injured in front of him, his mind couldn't help but fluctuate.

In fact, he saw all this just now.

He also knows that Zhao Xin can be said to be the greatest hero when he can recover to this state.

And Xiao Yu did not imagine that Zhao Xin, despite the danger of her life, tried to pull herself out of the killing, which made him feel a kind of throbbing.

In fact, when he appeared here, knowing that Huan Yuezong and Xiaoyao Sect had joined forces, and Zhao Xin was still headed by Zhao Xin to resist the five major sects, the so-called hatred towards Zhao Xin was in his heart. It's gone.

Especially when Zhao Xin was still standing up at the risk of being killed just now, this made Xiao Yu a strange mood swing in his heart.

Part of the reason why I want to go to the sect world is related to this woman.

I have been working hard to cultivate and surpass myself in the sect world, part of the reason is to prove it to Zhao Xin.

But in the end, he defeated Zhao Xin and didn't treat Zhao Xin as a thing at all. In the end, it was this woman who saved herself from the distress.

Even Xiao Yu himself couldn't explain the complicated emotions.

After a long time, he just had time to say--

"Thank you."

A word of thanks is worth a thousand words. If it were Xiao Yu before, he would never have said it.

And Zhao Xin's beautiful eyes were rippled. At this moment, she suddenly felt that even if she died just now, it was worth it.

Xiao Yu looked at the people who were killed by the killing realm, and immediately looked at everyone below with the jealous eyes that he looked like a ghost and god. His heart was also extremely complicated.

What the power of killing realm brought to Xiao Yu was naturally a power to save the world of the sect.

But on the negative side, Xiao Yu almost became a sinner of the ages.

It's just that Xiao Yu's complex demeanor quickly recovered, becoming a kind of righteousness, a kind of calm, and a kind of indifferent.

The world is like this, the fist is supreme, no one can't die, and no one's fate is immutable.

If it is a disaster, we must face it, face it, not escape it.

With one person, Xiao Yu turned the tide and saved the entire sect world, even the Thirty-Six Xiaotian World.

He has done his best to do all this, so he has no regrets, and he will not feel guilty.

And what he can do has already been done, and the rest is to look at the good luck of this plane of the world.

Of course, Xiao Yu had one more thing to do before that.

He took a deep breath, and his voice rang through the entire sect world.

"People from the Black Cliff World, please listen. At this moment, go back to your world and you will never set foot on this land. Otherwise, I will let you never live beyond life."


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