Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2713: Powerful soul oppression

Xiao Yu's expression began to move, only because this woman began to try to use the pressure of the soul to act on his formation.

This is a very dangerous practice.

Xiao Yu's soul power was not released to the outside world, allowing people to enter a space of formations.

The power of his soul was directly instilled into this woman's mind. In other words, if the opponent resists, Xiao Yu's soul will be severely damaged.

Xiao Yu never felt that his soul would be so strongly oppressed.

This kind of oppression almost made him feel breathless, because the soul of the other party is very powerful!

"Who is she! Why is she so powerful!?"

Xiao Yu's heart trembled.

In fact, he was a little adventurous, after all, he guessed from the beginning that this woman might be a double cultivation.

After all, there are only alchemists and refiners who have this kind of fire.

But Xiao Yu had no choice at the time. He just wanted to let this woman cooperate with him quickly to get out the poison of the nine-headed golden crow in her body. He didn't want this woman to be stubborn to such a degree. This was really beyond his expectation.

But now, the woman's soul is like a vast ocean, while Xiao Yu is exactly like a trickle.

Even if the other party's consciousness is already blurred, but the soul realm is there, that is an indisputable fact, and it is a much stronger existence than Xiao Yu.

Because of this, Xiao Yu has to follow his orders, and he has to tie his hands?

the answer is negative.

However, Xiao Yu's entire mind has a posture of being oppressed by thousands of huge rocks. His soul realm is too weak. When encountering the invisible oppression like a mountain, Xiao Yu can be crushed instantly.

"Boy, you must be in the soul realm with me. You are still too weak. Even if I can't exert my full strength now, you are still not my opponent!" The cold voice of the woman sounded in Xiao Yu's mind.

"Even if you die, don't you care?" Xiao Yu asked in a deep voice.

"Compared to death, what I care about is killing you, the prodigal son!" The woman's killing intent was strong, and she pressed Xiao Yu firmly.

This made Xiao Yu sigh in his heart. This woman's obsession was so strong that she didn't take Xiao Yu as a thing at all, and she didn't even care about her own life and death.

"Well, since you are so persistent, then I can only do this." Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, and finally stopped talking nonsense.

Since the opponent insisted on resisting, Xiao Yu could only do something tougher.

After all, his soul is now oppressed, and if he doesn't take any measures, his soul will definitely be greatly damaged.

After all, at this point, Xiao Yu certainly couldn't shrink back.

It was too late to say that it was fast, the branches of the sky tree in my mind were urged by Xiao Yu, and immediately instilled into this woman's body like countless terrifying tentacles, and then into her soul, and Xiao Yu The consciousness of the power of the soul is wrapped up, forming an airtight vine.

"what is this?"

The woman was also completely stunned when she saw this scene. After all, she knew Xiao Yu's soul realm, and she was much weaker than herself.

But now this kind of soul-like power, but also wanting to enchant, this strange power of space made her feel very surprised and doubtful.

She couldn't imagine that this kid still had this hand!

"You are not an ordinary person! But, do you think that you can bear the oppression of my soul!?"

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