Shura God Emperor

Chapter 2714: Would rather die than yield

At this point, the woman's voice became cold.

After all, I am a double cultivation, whether it is soul realm or strength, I don't know how many people look up.

How could a kid who hadn't even reached the realm of a human spirit master made her take it seriously?

Thinking of this, countless soul powers were urged out by the woman, like a vast ocean, all suppressed towards Xiao Yu.

Even if she was confused, she really spared no effort to kill Xiao Yu for the sake of something she insisted on, and to deal with Xiao Yu, the apprentice.

No one can violate her, whether it's body or soul.


A frantically surging sea suddenly suppressed Xiao Yu's soul power wrapped in the branches of the sky tree.


Sitting cross-legged, Xiao Yu only felt that his entire mind was shaken. It felt like he was about to faint and faint when being hit by a wave of ten thousand feet high.

The feeling was extremely uncomfortable. Although the soul was not hurt, the feeling was like being swayed violently from the left and right by a big hand. It was not my own at all.

Xiao Yu's qi and blood returned to peace, but his soul was about to escape from his shell and was thrown out of the clouds.

The woman originally thought that her pure soul realm still had the power of the soul, so powerful enough to make the other party bow down.

But she seemed wrong, because after the power of the soul was enveloped, there was a calmness.

Yes, it was not the calmness of her soul power, but the calmness of the other party's light group like vines.

Safe and sound!

"how is this possible!?"

The woman was taken aback, it was beyond her imagination.

Although his soul realm is not the strongest in the world of Nine Heavens, even if he is injured now, it is more than enough to suppress such a hairy boy.

But it was her self-confidence, seeing such a scene, subverted her imagination.

What are those invisible vines! ?

After Xiao Yu slowed down for a long time, his consciousness was finally awake.

The numbers of the third eyes opened again, like a peacock opening a screen, countless transparent branches floating in the woman's soul.

For the first time in a woman's life, she saw something so weird, but seeing these branches of trees made her familiar and unfamiliar. She even faced these branches as if she was standing under a high mountain and looking up at the mountain.

However, there are so many forces in the world, it is naturally impossible to contact and know all of them.

It's just that the other party has a chakra state, or a double cultivation, and knows so much. Now, she has this strange power in her body, which really makes her feel incredible.

"Senior, I just want to help you, do you want to die that way?"

Xiao Yu's voice also began to be derogatory and heavier.

After all, in any case, I also want to help each other!

If he didn't have the Heavenly Wood God Array, he would have been killed!

This person will avenge revenge!

"I don't need your help! Even if I die, I won't let you touch my body!" the woman said shamefully.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yu said coldly, "Are you really going to be stubborn?"

"You are the one who is stubborn! This body is mine, I don't need to explain to you! Now, I will pay the price for your violation of me!"

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