Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3427: Purple unicorn is coming

Xiao Yu didn't know what happened to the old man's departure these few days, but Xiao Yu saw the unusual calmness in the old man's eyes.

Although, for a dead person, he was already looking down on life, but Xiao Yu could feel the calmness and indifference of deciding to go to death more in his eyes.

The old man glanced around. There were still traces of thunder power floating around in the space, and there was still a flashing thundercloud in the sky, but Xiao Yu suddenly felt a sense of loneliness and depression.

"Back then, I used the power of the bloodline thunder to provoke the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder with a few people who ran away, and then opened up this thunder pool. The purpose is to let our future tribesmen have a safe place after death. I didn't expect it. Yes, in order to break through the seal of blood, our people practiced day and night, and even went crazy. When the time limit is approaching, they will come in here and become part of the thunder force."

When he said this, there were some thunder powers flickering around him, as if it caused them to resonate.

And these thunder powers are either his descendants or his former clansmen comrades!

"Unexpectedly, the difference in my thoughts was brewing into a big mistake, and I still realized later, if it weren't for your reminder from my little brother, I might never wake up. I thought I was right to protect them. That's right. As everyone knows, only what they really think is right can really protect them!" The old man sighed.

Xiao Yu was silent.

To be honest, it is admirable for the generations of Xuan Lei beasts to go.

With this kind of bloodline imprisoned, he still kept practicing secretly, striving to break through the shackles, but he almost went astray, even went astray, and was burned by the thunder.

But after speaking, if you change to any monster beast race, under such oppression, I am afraid you will almost choose to resist, right?

It's just that for Xuan Lei beasts who have the blood of Xuanwu and are descendants of Xuanwu, their dignity will be greater and even more unwilling.

It's not that it doesn't show up, but it's in the bones, deep in the blood.

The old man’s eyes flashed with an astonishing light, and said: “So, I want to make up for our previous mistakes, even if it turns into dust in the void, I will not hesitate.”

"What does Senior want to do?" Xiao Yu frowned and asked.

Obviously, Xiao Yu's guess was not wrong, and the elder Thunderbolt had obviously made some decision.

But the old man didn't talk to Xiao Yu too much. Instead, he looked at Xiao Yu, his gaze fell on his arm with some faint thunder and lightning, and said: "Boy, is the piece of purple unicorn in your hand? bone?"

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "It was what I got from a lower plane, but my strength has been exhausted, but after coming here, it seems to be activated."

"Hehe, it is rumored that the purple unicorn is the beast under the thunder god, ranking in the top ten in the sky list, but it can be in the top three in the single monster beast."

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, the beast under the thunder god's seat! ?

Top ten in the top ten!

Top three single monsters! !

No wonder the Golden Wing Roc told himself that the purple unicorn is not a simple beast!

It's no wonder that this piece of bone resonates with the power of thunder and absorbs the power of thunder!

"Is this Thor good?" Xiao Yu asked.

Undoubtedly, the so-called Thor is one of the gods.

The old man calmly said: "There are many gods. Thunder God is the **** of natural power, or one of the ancient gods, and the same existence as the **** of Beiming, don't you think it is amazing?"

"In other words, the purple unicorn fell in the battle of the gods back then!?" Xiao Yu asked again.

The old man glanced at Xiao Yu. He didn't expect Xiao Yu to know about the battle of the gods, but he said: "The battle of the gods is too far away from us. Not many people can trace the events of that era. Or put it this way, In the battle of the gods, all the gods fell, and there were not many survivors. Even if they did, they died in countless years of historical occasions."

"Well, since you have the bones of a purple unicorn on your body, then I will help you!"

The old man only saw a move, a sky thunder brewing in the thundercloud, the thunder light shot, as if to destroy the earth.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and after a while, the thunder above the thunder cloud burst out like a falling meteor, and immediately bombarded Xiao Yu directly.


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