Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3428: I said I will wait for him

At this time, a week has passed since Xiao Yu entered the Lei Pond.

The whole Mu Yuan, Mu Feng, Guan Song, and a group of elders' tension from the beginning turned into worry, and after a minute and a second, it turned into a kind of sadness, and finally a kind of sorrow.

Yes, a week’s time may not be worth mentioning in these long years.

Even a week's time for a cultivator is a blink of an eye.

However, if it were for the person who entered the thunder pond, then this kind of time would be fatal.

Where is Lei Chi?

That is a place that contains a huge amount of thunder power and can kill Mu Yuan instantly!

Don't say that for a week, even one hour is impossible.

Because they know very well that the energy of the thunderstone is already the highest to be able to persist in the thunder pond for ten minutes.

But the person inside has been in for a week.

They are very reluctant to have a thought: Is he still alive?

They didn't want to think so, but reality told them that maybe the result was a few days earlier, or when it didn't come out on the first day, it was already destined.

And one of them, his expression has not changed from beginning to end, and he is full of expectations, that is Qingyin.

Even in the past week, even if everyone disliked Xiao Yu, Qingyin still did not give up the idea that Xiao Yu would appear.

On this day, Qingyin was waiting on the back mountain again, and Mu Feng saw Qingyin, his eyes were a little unbearable, but he walked over.

"Girl Qingyin." Mu Feng called out softly.

Qingyin turned her head, her face didn't fluctuate much.

To people she didn't know, Qingyin had always been an indifferent face, but for Mu Feng, she slightly put away her frosty posture, because she knew that Mu Feng was doing her own good.

"Want to persuade me again?"

Mu Feng pondered for a long while, and finally said: "Lei Chi is the place where my clan's ancestors sit and transform. The entire space contains unconscious attacks. Based on our original estimate of the defensive energy of thunderstones, at most it will not exceed half. hour."

"Yeah." Qingyin nodded slightly, without much emotional fluctuation.

Mu Feng couldn't bear to watch this scene. No one knew exactly how powerful the thunder in the thunder pond was.

One week passed, and there was no news when the person inside entered.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the fact is that if he is really in danger, he will definitely crush the jade slips in the first place.

But a whole week passed, and no one inside.

They waited for two full days, but there was still no news, but Qingyin still insisted on waiting here.

Mufeng had already regarded Xiao Yu as his friend.

A human being who inspires himself in difficult situations, and constantly gives himself benchmarks and role models, and gives himself positive energy, refers to the heart-to-heart.

In particular, in order to prevent his companions from taking risks, the other party is willing to bear this danger by himself, even if his strength is not high, but he resolutely decided to do so.

How can he not let him admire this kind of courage and courage who is selfless and not afraid of danger?

Strictly speaking, I can be reborn because of the person inside!

"I said I will wait for him, and I will keep this promise." Qingyin raised her head to look at the sky and said calmly.

Mu Feng wanted to say something, but after all he sighed, but at this moment, the sky was densely covered with clouds, and a kind of dark power enveloped the entire territory of the profound thunder beast clan.

Mu Feng's face changed wildly--

"not good!"


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