Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3433: A fiasco with nowhere to resist

The young man in the black robe gave a grinning laugh, and then a palm fell towards Mu Feng.


His palms were terrifying, and the space immediately produced a kind of violent fluctuations.

That's right, it is the violent fluctuation of the entire space!

The pupils of Mu Yuan and others shrank, and the whole person was suffocated.

The black robe youth used more power at this time than the last time he injured Mu Yuan! !

The black robe youth is really moving!

Obviously, the earth-shaking changes in Mu Feng's body attracted the attention of the black-robed youth. In order to have more dreams for the night, the black-robed youth decided to kill Mu Feng!

The horrible palm blasted out, and it turned into a black hand big mudra with the power of the dark, and it fell in the sky.

Is the battle between Tianbang monsters and beasts trivial? The earth cracked on the spot, and the violent shaking made everyone frightened.

But since Mu Feng decided to stand up, he would definitely not choose to be a turtle.

"Last time I didn't dare to resist, this time, even if I died in battle, I have to protect my people!!"

Mu Feng roared, the power of thunder suddenly flashed, and an astonishing momentum was directly swept away, and suddenly it opened the giant palm of the black-robed youth.


The terrifying aura of oppression was shocked at the moment, Mu Yuan and others looked shocked, and quickly retreated.

This level of battle is already beyond their ability to withstand, and that is already a battle that belongs to the sky list!

There were countless auras oscillating at a distance of thousands of meters.

Qingyin in the distance also took a deep breath.

It's not that she has never seen such a human powerhouse, such as the sealing of the five main peaks.

Although the battle of this kind of strength is not to destroy the world, but every move can be a landslide.

The brief ordinary battle just now caused turbulence in the space of several thousand meters. This is actually an ordinary battle?

Tengyuan Continent was originally in the midstream of the Nine Heavens World. The strongest thing here is the existence that ranks in the top ten. It can be said that if this degree of battle becomes fierce, the entire plane will be shocked !

"Interesting," the black robe youth's mouth raised a joking arc, "for a long time no one has dared to fight against my Xuanwu clan, I will play with you."


The black yin and underworld power burst out, and the black robe youth immediately gained an extremely astonishing blood aura.

Mu Feng's pupils shrank slightly, and he was actually at a disadvantage in the previous encounter.

After all, no matter how bad the opponent is, it is also the blood of the four great beasts!

The same as the ranking list, but much stronger than himself!

With this double oppression, Mu Feng almost had no chance of winning.

But Mu Feng knew that if he even backed down, then their Profound Thunder Beast clan would be really hopeless!


Mu Feng let out a loud roar, and the momentum of the power of thunder broke out, colliding with the opponent again.

"Boom boom!"

Horrible aura and oppression continue to agitate in this space, and the aura has reached tens of miles from a radius of several thousand meters!

In just a few moments, the two fought for more than ten rounds.

This level of battle has long surpassed the imagination of those present.

The earth was trembling, the space was trembling, the thunderclouds and dark clouds in the sky were also constantly trembling, and the deafening fighting momentum almost shattered this land.


Under the terrifying momentum, Mu Feng, who had been in a stalemate for more than a dozen rounds, was shaken down on the spot, and a huge crater of hundreds of meters was immediately smashed into the ground.


"Young Patriarch!"

The expressions of Mu Yuan and others changed drastically, and Mu Feng was defeated!

The young man in the black robe fell down, his clothes were slightly wrinkled, which was obviously a certain amount of consumption.

He was standing next to the giant pit, and Mu Feng's mouth was full of blood, and his face was pale. The blow just now caused him a serious injury.

But even if he was defeated, Mu Feng still had no surrender eyes, that kind of unyielding fighting spirit, still staring at the black robe youth.

"It's a pity, if you are not a bastard, maybe we can still be friends, but you have touched my bottom line, so go to hell."

The black robe youth sneered, and slapped it down with one palm.

In the distance, Mu Yuan and others screamed sternly, but they couldn't make it over at all.

Even if they could make it in time, they couldn't save Mu Feng.

Mu Feng smiled sadly and murmured: "Xiao Yu, I'm going one step ahead, it took your pains in vain. Father, sorry..."

But at this moment, the midair suddenly began to vibrate, followed by a thunderous sound.

"Want to kill him, have you asked me?"

After a while, a thunderbolt suddenly appeared from the void. It was as large as a hundred meters and suddenly bombarded. The target was the black-robed youth.


The pupils of the black robe youth shrank.


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