Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3434: Lei Chi

The black-robed youth did not expect a thunder attack to suppress him, and the power of this attack was not low.

But then his eyes dazzled, and he immediately changed his direction, greeted him with a punch.


The black-robed youth was shaken back hundreds of meters on the spot, and long traces were drawn directly on the ground.

Mu Feng, who was waiting to die, was shocked when he saw this scene.

When she heard the green tone of this voice and felt the familiar voice, her delicate body suddenly trembled, and there was a flickering splendor in her beautiful eyes, and the corners of her mouth raised a slight arc of relief.

The whole audience was shocked by this sudden offensive.

"This voice..." Mu Feng's eyes shot out astonishing lightning.

At this moment, in midair, a vortex flashing with thunder and lightning suddenly appeared. This vortex continued to expand, and the inside was pitch black as ink, but there was a very palpitating breath of thunder and lightning swept out.

The black-robed youth showed murderous intent, staring at the vortex in mid-air.

The power of the thunder just now shocked him too much, he had never felt such a powerful thunder force.

Over the years, he has watched here too many times. The strongest existence is nothing but the existence of the Dibang, and the strongest is Mu Feng, who has now broken through the bloodline.

When this vortex appeared, the entire Profound Thunder Beast clan was taken aback, especially Mu Yuan and others, their expressions even more unbelievable and ecstatic.

"Could it be..."

They seemed to have thought of something, and there was an unbelievable look on their faces.

"Could it be him..." Guansong groaned for a long while, his old face was very unbelievable.

"But the breath just now isn't like..." Another elder asked.

Only Mu Yuan, whose eyes flickered with thunder, stared at that exit.

The entire territory of the Profound Thunder Beast clan was filled with a tranquil posture.

After a while, a figure slowly stepped out.

It was a long-haired young man in a robe.

The youth's face was like a crown jade, and his face was filled with light like a streamer.

Junyi's face is full of a slight gesture in it.

The most strange thing is that the young man's eyes look like a deep starry sky.

But if you look carefully, you can find that deep in his eyes, there seems to be a kind of thunder light in it, vaguely and unfathomable.

"It's really him!"

Seeing this person, Mu Feng, Mu Yuan and others were shocked, and immediately turned into ecstasy.

And Qingyin's last breath was also relaxed, her beautiful face was filled with comfort, and she whispered softly: "I knew you wouldn't die so easily."

This figure is surprisingly Xiao Yu coming out of Lei Chi!

Xiao Yu's figure floated gently.

During this period of more than a week, Xiao Yu's temperament had not changed much.

If the only change is that Xiao Yu's breath has become deeper and deeper, vaguely, giving people a feeling of mountains and seas, even more invisible.

Seeing Xiao Yu's attitude, the black robe youth couldn't help but flash a sharp light.

He felt a deep threat in Xiao Yu's body, which had never existed before.

And this person had never appeared in Xuan Lei Beast before!

"No, he...yes, human!!"


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