Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3448: To the Sea of ​​Beiming (Part 2)

Seeing the Xuan Lei Beast clan showing such an excited posture, even Mu Yuan and others had never met before.

They looked at Mu Feng one after another, with wireless comfort in their eyes.

"Feng, he's grown up..." Mu Yuan muttered to himself, some streamers flickering in his eyes.

At this moment, Mu Yuan even felt that Mu Feng was more suitable to be a patriarch than himself.

And what he thought was that the young man who used to be under his own protection and would not take the initiative to stand up for anything, is now able to stand on his own, and even the powerful spirit that flows out of him is beyond his own reach.

Xiao Yu saw that Mu Feng's words could inspire the entire Profound Thunder Beast clan in such a way, and he secretly admired him. This is what a leader should have!

Some people are actually capable. They just need an opportunity, one point can stimulate their full potential.

Mu Feng is such a person.

Next, Mu Feng was explaining the North Sea of ​​Mind and the situation of their situation to the people at this moment, and then, he was ready to start a large-scale migration.

Yes, the void has been opened, and there is already a vague sign of stitching in it.

In other words, the Profound Thunder Beast family must leave here at this moment.

One after another, some tribesmen got under the void cracks and were slowly sucked into this spatial black hole.

Parting is always sad. Although very reluctant, the members of the Xuan Lei Beast clan know their situation better at this moment, so they resolutely chose the whole clan to leave.

Until almost everyone entered the space transmission channel first, only Mu Yuan and Mu Feng were left.

The two father and son walked towards Xiao Yu, obviously they said goodbye to Xiao Yu.

Mu Yuan took a deep breath and said heavily, "Little brother, I want to thank you this time. If it weren't for you, we might still be living in our own world, please be respected by me!"

After all, Mu Yuan bowed down to Xiao Yu on the spot. Xiao Yu was about to hold the opponent in the void, but there was an extremely powerful and heavy force oppressing him, making Xiao Yu's strength very weak.

Xiao Yu shook his head in his heart, there was no way, naturally there was no way to stop it.

Xiao Yu said: "I have also won what I have won, so we are tied."

Mu Yuan sighed, admiring this young human even more.

Not greedy for merit, not taking advantage of the fire, neither humble nor overbearing, and the talent potential is still so great, this child is absolutely unique in existence!

And he still has a big question, the opponent's strength is actually not strong, but why can he have such a great ability?

This is something he cannot understand.

At this time, Mu Feng was staring at Xiao Yu with a complicated expression in his eyes.

"Xiao Yu, thank you." Mu Feng said.

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "You deserve it."

"Well, it's not too early, presumably the movement just now has attracted the attention of other monsters, and it's time for us to leave here."

After Xiao Yu exchanged a greeting with them, Xuan Even and Qingyin were about to leave.

"and many more."

Mu Feng stopped Xiao Yu, who was puzzled and looked at the forward.

"Xiao Yu, if there is a need in the future, we will definitely do our best to help you!!" Mu Feng's eyes flashed incomparably bright.

Xiao Yu smiled, turned around and left.


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