Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3449: Ready to set off in the tiger-carved territory

The affairs of the Xuan Lei Beast clan were over, and Xiao Yu also obtained the Thunder Stone. It could be said that the mission was half completed.

Not only this, Xiao Yu's Asura bloodline can also begin to cultivate, even though it has just been activated, it is still very weak.

But for Xiao Yu now, as long as Shura's bloodline is restored, there is no need to use Shura's power in a hurry.

After all, the Shura Jue is profound and profound, and it is not so simple to practice.

From a low plane to a high plane, Xiao Yu still thinks that there is a lot of room for improvement.

Therefore, the so-called haste is not enough, Xiao Yu naturally cannot be anxious.

Moreover, the power in him now is not small.

Especially, the bones of Ziqilin were activated again, and also possessed the power of thunder, which was naturally an unexpected gain.

However, the so-called opportunity that the old Thunder gave Xiao Yu was to activate the bones of the Ziqilin.

Of course, the purple unicorn bone on Xiao Yu's arm at this time still felt numb.

He didn't know how much thunder power this purple unicorn bone had absorbed.

Because when the thunder was over, Xiao Yu almost lost consciousness.

And he only knew that after he woke up, he felt that the bones of the purple unicorn had resurrected, and he also had a very huge power.

But the feeling of paralysis made Xiao Yu dare not care.

At that time, he had already absorbed the power of Thunder, and the young people of the Xuanwu clan had also arrived. It can be said that Xiao Yu had not had time to comprehend, so he directly used the power of the thunder and lightning elder to deal with the Xuanwu clan.

But for these Xiao Yu, he was not in a hurry for the time being.

Because the main purpose of going to Xuan Lei Beast is to gain the power of thunder, and then to deal with tiger carving.

The power of lightning absorbed by Thunder Stone far exceeded Xiao Yu's imagination.

In his opinion, it is enough to deal with the tiger-print carving family.

Although Xiao Yu's strength hadn't made much progress, he was still in the Ninth Level of the Heavenly Palace Realm.

And now Xiao Yu has reached the bottleneck, and it is not so easy to break through.

Of course, here in Tengyuan Continent, the strength of the human realm plays only half of the role, and the other half of the role is impressively derived from the bloodline power of the five-clawed golden dragon.

With the bloodline power of the five-clawed golden dragon, as long as he doesn't encounter those who are ranked in the top twenty, or even the top ten, Xiao Yu still need not be afraid.

This naturally cannot be compared with the previous battle with the young man of the Xuanwu clan.

You know, that young man has already reached the strength of the sky list!

And Xiao Yu only relied on the thunder power of the Xuan Lei Beast ancestor, this was not his own power, so these were not counted.

But even so, Xiao Yu's mentality has changed a lot.

Because he felt that he had helped the Profound Thunder Beast clan, and even more helped Mu Feng.

Mu Feng is very similar to him, with his shadow on him.

Although Mu Feng was reticent, and although the two didn't say anything on the surface, invisible, they were like close friends.

Some things do not need to be spoken in words.

This made Xiao Yu understand a truth. In the world of monsters, there are not only interests and struggles, but also justice and friendship.

And Qing Yin behind him was silent all the way, just looking at this figure from behind, it seemed that he had a tall and indelible image in his heart.

"It's getting late, let's find a place to rest for a night, and then set off to the tiger carving territory!"


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