Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3450: You got it wrong

The two found a cave and began to recover.

Although the power of Thunder is not his own, it is not so simple for Xiao Yu to drive this power, and it takes a lot of attention.

Moreover, the Xuan Lei Beast's affairs can be said to have had twists and turns, but the next one was their most difficult battle in the Tengyuan Continent, which was to face the tiger carving and then obtain the Phoenix blood.

Even if Xiao Yu had just been in the Ninth Heaven Realm and had the blessing of the five-clawed golden dragon bloodline, he still felt that the unknown was terrifying.

Perhaps in the territory of the blood-devouring demon ape clan, Xiao Yu was in contact with Baru, Pang Jie, Qianfeng and others.

The strength of these people is also very strong, enough to make the top ten in the entire Blood Devouring Demon Clan.

But Xiao Yu had never faced one of the so-called four great guns of Tengyuan Continent, the patriarch of these four great monsters.

If really fighting against each other, Xiao Yu would have no choice but to avoid or escape.

Of course, now that there is Thunder Stone, in the territory of tiger carvings, Xiao Yu can be considered a little more likely to win, but he dare not care.

But with Qingyin here, Xiao Yu naturally couldn't enter the second world space.

After all, the second world space is one's own secret, and like the Thunder Pond of the Xuan Lei Beast, it cannot be known by outsiders.

At midnight.

Qingyin recovered from the state of cultivation, but she found that Xiao Yu was still immersed in cultivation.

However, Qingyin hardly played in the whole process, so she didn't need to recover much.

And what you need to know is that Qingyin hasn't been consumed during this week of waiting for Xiao Yu outside of Lei Chi, so by midnight, Qingyin quickly returned to full refill.

At this moment Qingyin looked at Xiao Yu meditating with her eyes closed, and she seemed to be absorbed in her eyes.

Xiao Yu's face was like a crown jade, with a faint stream of light permeating it, like a whirlpool, attracting Qingyin's eyes.

Looking at this face, Qing Yin felt a little emotional.

From the beginning to the present, I never thought that Xiao Yu could grow to such a level.

She didn't know what Xiao Yu had experienced in the blood-devouring demon ape clan. All she knew was that the kind of admiration she had for Xiao Yu had unexpectedly surprised her again and again, and even refreshed her eyeballs.

Especially this time during Lei Chi's trip, Xiao Yu was in the early stage from beginning to end, and she even "hiding" behind Xiao Yu.

Even if he enters the thunder pond, this young man seems to have planned everything, and he is not allowed to intervene at all.

If it were before, Qingyin would definitely not be used to being so passive.

But I don't know what happened. In front of Xiao Yu, she actually had something that made her feel safe.

"Is this the so-called sense of security?" Qingyin shook his head lightly, not even believing it.

But it is so wonderful, even if the other party is meditating, she will feel a sense of stability in her heart.

The cultivating Xiao Yu slowly opened his eyes, but what surprised him was that Qingyin hadn't practiced, showing a pair of soft light eyes looking at herself.

Qingyin seemed to be aware of her gaffe, so she just didn't even go.

Xiao Yu gave a dry smile and said, "I seemed to hear you say something about the sense of security. What is that?"

Qingyin's face flushed and said, "No, you heard it wrong."



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