Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3474: It was discovered!

Xiu Cheng, Luo Shi, and Lian Wu's face changed wildly.

This bird's nest must be the habitat of the phoenix. The drop of blood just now is the blood of the phoenix!

There is nothing in a bird's nest as large as a hundred meters.

Immediately afterwards, an even stranger scene was that the **** light on the entire plane tree actually began to dissipate.

The sign of this dissipation is that it slowly fades from the canopy, then extends to the trunk, and slowly fades downwards, like a low tide.

The three monsters' faces were pale.

"Xie Cheng! What the **** did you do!!" Even Wumu was about to split, violently furious.

They worked so hard to come to this high altitude, and they also fought for so long, in order to be the blood of the phoenix, but there was not a drop of the blood of the phoenix, as if it had been absorbed and dried by the plane tree.

You know, when the blood of the phoenix penetrated out, they sensed the rich and pure energy on the trunk!

But now there is nothing left!

Xiu Cheng roared: "I don't know either!!"

"You don't know? This is the place protected by your tiger-print carvings. Why don't you know? Obediently you can take them out, otherwise I will destroy your tiger-print carving family!!"

Lian Wu was really furious, all the blood-colored hairs on his body stood upside down, and the **** red eyes were condensed with this **** murderous intent, locking in the inheritance.

"No, just now..."

Although Luo Shi was also shocked, but presumably, he was much calmer than Xie Cheng and Lian Wu.

Luo Shi immediately looked at the red light that was constantly fading towards the trunk of the tree, and he condensedly said: "Did there be a few breaths just below?"

"Luo Shi, what use are you talking about now? It must be this guy!" Even Wu Yi became anxious, as if he didn't care about anything.

Xiucheng seemed to have thought of something, his eagle eyes shot directly to the bottom of the plane tree.

Eagle's line of sight can see extremely far, like Xiucheng's strength, even if it is a distance of several kilometers, it is only close at hand.

"It's them!!"

"call out!"

Xiu Cheng let out a furious rage, and his figure was just diving down. Luo Shi's eyes flashed murderously, and he was the second to keep up.

Although Lian Wu was furious, he figured it out after another thought.

"It turned out to be you! Looking for death!!"

Then the three monsters swooped towards the bottom from the canopy.

At the beginning, they themselves didn't pay much attention to the auras below. In their opinion, on the Tengyuan Continent, who would dare to confront them? Who dares to calculate them behind their backs?

But there really is!

In addition to those few breaths, who else! ?



When the blood on the plane tree began to dissipate from top to bottom, Qingyin couldn't help but moved.

In the end what happened! ?

This is obviously a sign that the blood of the phoenix tree has begun to be absorbed, and the phoenix tree has begun to turn into an ordinary phoenix tree!

Previously, it was because the blood of the Phoenix had penetrated from the tree of the phoenix tree. Now that the blood of the phoenix tree was absorbed by Xiao Yu, the color naturally faded.

But I don't know how, the instability in Qingyin's mind has become more serious.

She looked up at the sky, just because the fighting movement in the sky had begun to stop.

After a while, when all the red on the trunk faded, Xiao Yu's eyes slowly opened.

"Xiao Yu!?" Qing Yin called out, and even Bai Luanfeng became nervous.

After Xiao Yu opened his eyes, his expression was extremely solemn, and he quickly said, "Go!"

But at this moment, an angry voice shrouded in the sky.

"You can't escape!!! Hand over the blood of the Phoenix!!!"

All of a sudden, an extremely terrifying oppression was shrouded in an instant, Qingyin's face changed drastically, and it was discovered by them!


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