Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3475: Turn back

In fact, when Xiao Yu urged the branches of Tianmu to absorb these energy, he thought that there would be such a result.

After all, the blood of such a huge phoenix disappeared all at once, and it would definitely attract people's eyes.

It just means that the branches of Tianmu will not be discovered during the absorption process, but it is difficult to ensure afterwards!

After all, how terrifying the patriarchal consciousness of the three big monsters is, it definitely covers the entire island of Wutong.


When Xiao Yu's thoughts moved, the Golden Winged Roc was ready long ago. At this time, the Golden Winged Roc did not have the color of pride before, because he knew that the three strongest in Tengyuan Continent were hunting them now. Whoever!

Qingyin didn't dare to neglect, and quickly urged Bai Luanfeng to leave.

Xiucheng, Luo Shi and Lianwu once reached the ground of Wutong Island, they saw the two shadows and flew away.

"Sure enough, it was them!!" A murderous flash in Xiu Cheng's eyes.

Lian Wu yelled: "Don't leave!"

Obviously the three of them were furious, they fought so hard in the sky, but who would have thought that they were given the strength by the fisherman.

Luo Shi didn't say a word, the first one was to chase him up, and Xiu Cheng and Lian Wu were also murderous in an instant.

The Golden Wing Roc and Bai Luanfeng hurried forward, feeling the terrifying aura of fast approaching behind them, and even Xiao Yu took a deep breath.

Although they had already thought that there would be such an end, but being so chased by the three powerhouses, the feeling of breathlessness still enveloped them.

Although the speed of the Golden Wing Roc is fast enough, the problem is that Bai Luanfeng is not as fast as the Golden Wing Roc.

With the Golden Wing Roc flying at full strength, Bai Luanfeng was slowly left behind.

Another one is that even if the Golden Wing Roc’s flying ability is fast, but he is not in full bloom after all, can he fly to win and accept them?

If they continued to fly like this, Xiao Yu and the others would definitely not escape the scope of their attack, and the first ones to be attacked were Qingyin and Bai Luanfeng!

Xiao Yu showed a decision in his eyes, and said, "Go back!"

A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the Golden Winged Dapeng Eagle Falcon, he didn't say anything, he just turned around and headed towards Bai Luanfeng and the others.

The Golden Winged Roc knew very well that Xiao Yu would not leave Qingyin behind, so there was only one possibility, so he would not change his attention no matter how he persuaded Xiao Yu.


Seeing that the Golden Wing Roc was getting further and further away from him, he couldn't see it with Bai Luanfeng's flying ability, and his heart suddenly became anxious.

"Qingyin, that kid..."

Qingyin's eyes were solemn, and he directly denied: "No, he is not such a person."

Xiao Yu was driving the Golden Winged Roc a kilometer away from him, and this distance was getting farther and farther.

But the pressure of the three breaths in the back kept coming closer.

If Xiao Yu didn't care about Qingyin in this situation, and left first, letting Qingyin and Bai Luanfeng stand against the three patriarchs here, it would also be possible.

But Qingyin knew that Xiao Yu was definitely not such a person who would forget justice.

But Bai Luanfeng became more and more anxious, just because the Golden Wing Roc was too far away from them, and his breath was already very weak!

"You can't escape! Leave the blood of the Phoenix!!!"

A voice with an icy killing intent came from behind, making Bai Luanfeng's eyes look scared.

Qingyin's eyes also sank, but he felt a little sad. Did Xiao Yu really leave by himself?

Is everyone the same in the face of interests?

If Xiao Yu really left first, it would be human nature.

Just as she thought this way, a golden light flashed in the distance, and it flew to her side, it was the Golden Wing Roc.

Xiao Yuzhe is back!

There was a surprise in Qingyin's eyes.

"Xiao Yu!"

Xiao Yu palmed his palm, and a rolling red ball of light appeared in his hand.

"Hurry up with this thing!!"

Phoenix blood!


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