Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3480: Fusion wings

The golden wings of the golden wing and big Peng flashed into two rays of light between the bursts of light, and it immediately merged into Xiao Yu's back, forming a pair of huge golden wings.

The golden feathers, with a sonorous and mighty posture, were ten meters long between the wings of the Dapeng.

This wing is naturally much smaller than the tiger-printed carving or the wings of the flying python, but that is their body, this is the wing that fits Xiao Yu's body best by the golden-winged big Peng!

With the aid of the Golden Wing Roc's wings, Xiao Yu suddenly felt connected to his own flesh and blood.

After all, you must know that the Golden Winged Roc is also its own spirit, and the wings that are transformed are naturally controlled by itself!

"Boy, it seems that you already have a choice." Lian Wu grinned, and then his mind moved, the flying monster under him seated on his body like bat wings, and the blood eater The flesh is fused together.

At the same time, the flying python turned into a pair of black wings, attached to the back of Luo Shi, the black python.

When Xiu Cheng saw this scene, his eyes were stunned.

"It turns out that you still have something like this!" Xiu Cheng said in a deep voice.

At the beginning, Luo Shi and Lian Wu were both humans, and they had no flying ability, so they had to rely on flying monsters.

Even if they turned into the main body to fight against themselves, there was still no such fusion, but now, facing Xiao Yu, they had merged the flying wings of the sitting monster beast with their own flesh.

This means that they attach great importance to it!

Luo Shi said indifferently, "Xiu Cheng, we know each other all things well, so kill this kid first, otherwise it will be impossible to get the blood of Phoenix."

Obviously, for Xiao Yu, even though they sensed the weakness of each other, it was still unknown.

But for Xie Cheng, Lian Wu, and Luo Shi, they are all very familiar with each other. Therefore, they don't need to come up with all their details all the time.

Xiu Cheng just snorted, and immediately his eyes fell on Xiao Yu's body.

All four of them now have the ability to fly, which means that they can exert their maximum combat effectiveness in the air!

Xiao Yu moved his body for a while, and after adapting for a while, he said with emotion in his heart: "This is the feeling of flying! When will I be able to truly fly in the air?"

Xiao Yu immediately returned his eyes, revealing a resolute and domineering aura in the depths of his eyes, because the three patriarchs had already begun to gather their aura and locked Xiao Yu.

In other words, it is almost impossible for Xiao Yu to escape right now!

"Do it!"

Xiu Cheng yelled, and the huge body directly rushed towards Xiao Yu. He squeezed his palm, and immediately saw a spear in his hand.

This spear is silvery white, as sharp as his eagle wings. He tore the air directly and assassinate Xiao Yu.

At the same time, Luo Shi moved the giant python's body, and a few people embraced such a large tail like a whip, and suddenly whipped it out. The tail did not arrive, and the space was shaken with ripples on the spot.

However, Lian Wu was simply too much, his fist style was like a turbulent river, and he suddenly came over.

For a time, Xiao Yu was caught in the combined attack of the three strongest powers in Tengyuan Continent!


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