Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3481: Squeeze the thunderstone!


so horrible!

With this kind of momentum, even those monster beasts who had already avoided far away, still felt the amazing momentum and power that swayed from the space.

Xiao Yu suddenly felt that the pressure on her body had increased greatly.

In any case, with the Golden Wing Roc and the blessing of the five-claw Golden Dragon bloodline power, he can only suppress the monster beasts in the ground.

And the patriarchs of these three monster beasts joined forces, and it did cause a lot of pressure on Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu took out the thunder stone in his arms, and some thunder lights flashed in his eyes.

"It seems impossible to keep it."

The remaining half of Thunder Stone's thunder power, if this general thunder power were used here, it could just make up for Xiao Yu's shortcomings in power!


The thunder stone was grasped by Xiao Yu's palm, and it burst out immediately. Then, countless thunder and lightning burst out from his palm.

The terrifying power of thunder and lightning escaped at that moment, causing Xiao Yu to form a light and shadow like the sun.


Xiao Yu suddenly roared, the intense pain and the overbearing power contained in the power of thunder made Xiao Yu's arm paralyzed.

What you need to know is that Thunder Stone absorbed the power of Thunder for a whole week in the Thunder Pool!

And just now, Xiao Yu was constantly urging the power of thunder, which is like now, urging half of the thunderstone of thunder! ?

Countless lightning power burst out, and the three offensives were instantly shaken by this overbearing and mighty power between heaven and earth.

"This... what a terrifying power of thunder!!" Xiu Cheng was the first to move.

The tiger-pattern carving family is most afraid of the power of thunder, but like Xiao Yu, the power of thunder, who showed such terrifying power in an instant, this is the first time he has met!

Even Wu and Luo Shi were moved, and they did not dare to come close, they were hundreds of meters away from Xiao Yu.

The monsters in the distance, looking from a distance, Xiao Yu was completely shrouded in thunder and lightning, forming a ball of light in the air, the aura, as if the thunder in the heavens and the earth was showing his heavenly power.

And the remaining two strong men carved with tiger stripes once again felt the familiar and shocking breath in the air, and their pupils shrank.

It was the power of thunder that broke through their defense just now!

When the thunder light began to perish, the figure in the sky was revealed.

On Xiao Yu's entire arm, there were countless purple thunder powers lingering. Because of the explosion of the thunderstone just now, the blue veins on Xiao Yu's arm were densely covered.

He looked like a god, holding the power of the world in his hand.

Xiao Yu closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He looked at him with a feeling of enjoyment, only because the power of thunder had completely penetrated into his blood and merged with the power of his body.

This feeling is like the scene when he was killed by the sky thunder when he was in the thunder pond, washing his flesh and activating the blood of Asura.

It was just that Xiao Yu needed no defense at that time and could only endure the pain of being destroyed.

But now, Xiao Yu is mastering this power!

Xiao Yu slowly opened his eyes, and countless lightning bursts from his eyes again.

"What a strong power, if I can control the entire power of Thunder, how does it feel?"

It seemed that the sky had been echoed by Xiao Yu, and countless dark clouds gathered together, as if worshipping the gods.

Lian Wu, Xie Cheng, and Luo Shi all showed a solemn look in their eyes.

The power on Xiao Yu's body has changed too terribly, and that kind of surging to the extreme, domineering and vast posture, really moved them.

"What are you waiting for, let's fight!"


Xiao Yu shook his hand, and the endless power in Tianfu was urged out by him. The power combined with the power of thunder suddenly appeared, and then it blasted up instantly.

"Go together! Kill this kid!!"

For a time, the world seemed to change color, and the monstrous breath continued to sweep out.


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