Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3496: Successfully escaped

Everyone is waiting patiently. For Qingyin, Bu Yun, Gao An, and growing old, although time has not passed for long, every second is a torment.

But at this moment, suddenly, there was a kind of spatial fluctuation in the teleportation formation, Qing Yin was suddenly startled, and the elders and others were also watching the front closely.

And the next moment, a light and shadow flickered, followed by a young figure.

"Xiao Yu!"

This figure is surprisingly Xiao Yu.

The moment they saw Xiao Yu, everyone in the audience was pleasantly surprised, growing old, Bu Yun, and Gao An's face showed relief.

Xiao Yu was unscathed, still with a face full of indifferent posture. That young and handsome face seemed to have gone through a lot of wind and frost, and it was more composed and calm.

Qingyin walked forward quickly, surprised and happy in her heart, but her face still couldn't hide the surprise.

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Look, I said I will come back safely."

Qingyin took a deep breath, and there was some brilliance blooming in her beautiful eyes. She tried to calm herself down, but the moment she saw Xiao Yu, her heartbeat was already beating faster.

This person who helped him so much along the way finally stood in front of him alive, which gave Qingyin a feeling of stability once again.

Qingyin didn't see Xiao Yu for ten minutes, but like a long-lost friend, the excitement was beyond words.

It seems that for her, even one more second is a torment.

Xiao Yu immediately nodded towards Bu Yun and the others with a smile, and Bu Yun and others also smiled.

They didn't say anything, but as long as Xiao Yu could come back safely, then there was nothing to say.

Of course, there is no shock in the hearts of the grown-ups.

They thought that Xiao Yu's hope of coming back was very small, no matter how they were in the top ten monster beasts!

"Is this kid a monster?"

"Oh my God! The three demon beast patriarchs ranked in the top ten! He can come back! Even the peak master Chu who brought him in can do it?"

"Does he have the same strength as Peak Master Chu?"

"How is it possible! Didn't you hear it? Peak Master Chu should have given him some life-saving secrets, and how long has this kid been in the lower court! How could he have the same strength as Peak Master Chu?"

"Yes! It is rumored that this kid is supported by high-level monster power. The bloodline is the first in the monster beast world, and the strength is second. I am afraid this adds a lot of heritage to him."

Those students are talking like this, but there is still a lot of jealousy in their words.

After all, if it is really spread out, it is also a chance to obtain this kind of monster power, and chance is also part of the strength.

Moreover, how powerful should this so-called monster beast bloodline power be to bridge the gap between the original level strength and those monster beast patriarchs?

However, Xiao Yu was already a legend in the lower house, and he was reduced to a dark horse that could compete with Gu Hong and Li Haoguang for the upper house.

"He actually came out alive!!!" Gu Hong's eyes flashed murderously, and his whole body was shaking.

Li Haoguang also acquiesced in silence, but his murderous intent towards that person became more intense.

At this time, Xiao Yu couldn't help but cast his eyes in a certain direction, which was where Gu Hong and Li Haoguang were.

The expressions of the two of them were extremely ugly, and in their eyes looking at Xiao Yu, the murderous intent was slurping like Leng Feng.

"Xiao Yu, what's the matter?" Qingyin asked suddenly.

Xiao Yu retracted his eyes and said calmly, "No, I just thought, even if I pay more for the assessment of the upper house, I will fight for it. No one can stop me."

This sound is not loud, but it is very powerful, and many people have heard it, including Li Haoguang and Gu Hong, as if it was meant for them.

Li Haoguang and Gu Hong in the distance were shocked, and there was a strong murderous intent hidden in their hearts.

Everyone knows that this time the upper house assessment may be a battle between dragons and tigers.


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