Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3497: Waiting late at night

The news that Xiao Yu had returned from Tengyuan Continent rang from the entire Cangling Academy within half a day.

Obviously, the noise made by Xiao Yu this time was much more shocking than the previous test or exchange meeting for the lower house.

Relatively speaking, the big test and exchange meeting in the lower house is an event where Xiao Yu has risen with his own talent potential. It only happened in the lower house. Although his reputation also spread to the upper house, the response was due to Xiao Yu’s identity and strength, and the final result Some do not match.

The lower plane, chakra state or condensate state, and then can stand out, it is true that not many people have guessed the ending.

But this time during the trip to Tengyuan Continent, it was completely beyond Xiao Yu's own realm.

But the result?

Xiao Yu still returned safely.

This has to make people feel extremely horrified, even fantasy.

After all, the news that Qingyin was going to Tengyuan Continent had spread throughout the upper court. Those in the upper court who dared to participate in this challenge, unless there were only a few geniuses, still no one wanted to stand up.

Originally, Qingyin's approach to Xiao Yu in the lower court was already confusing. Even if no one in the upper court was willing to go with Qingyin, there would be no one in the lower court to go!

Unexpectedly, the result was so unexpected.

Even some geniuses in the upper house were able to do things by a kid in the lower house, which is really incredible.

And the assessment of the upper house is coming soon, which can be regarded as the most shocking thing before the assessment.

Into the night.

After returning, Xiao Yu closed his eyes and meditated in the second world dimension.

The various dangers along the way on the Tengyuan Continent, as well as several battles between life and death, all made Xiao Yu dangerous, but there is no doubt that this has benefited Xiao Yu immensely.

The cultivation base of the ninth peak of the Tianfu Realm had been there since absorbing the Gu Eagle's beast energy, and Xiao Yu planned to break through during this time.

This gave him another layer of confidence in the assessment of the upper house.

The night was deepening, and the meditating Xiao Yu opened his eyes, and immediately came out of the Second World Space, then walked to the room, and came to a quiet pavilion in the academy, where a figure was waiting long ago.

The moonlight is like water, and the beauty is like a picture. From a distance, it is as if you are in a painting, full of a hazy color.

"Pall Master Qing, it seems that you have been waiting for a long time." Xiao Yu smiled and walked over.

Tonight's Qingyin changed into white clothes, which was less cold and more gentle.

Turning around, it was like a closed moon sinking a fish, shameless flowers and wild geese, making Xiao Yu a little temporarily absent.

"As expected of the goddess of Cangling Academy!" Xiao Yu secretly said in his heart.

Qingyin's beautiful eyes are still so watery, and the look in Xiao Yu's eyes has a strange color, no longer so indifferent, but more kind.

With these affectionate eyes, Xiao Yu looked a little weird. He simply sat down and said with a smile: "Palace Master Qing is looking for me late at night. Is it because he wants to thank me for failing?"

This was naturally a joke, and it was also what Xiao Yu said in order to resolve the embarrassment.

Although he is not particularly familiar with Qingyin, who looks indifferent and indifferent, he knows that she is cold outside and hot inside.

Xiao Yu sees the relationship between friends and the emphasis on love.

At this moment, Qingyin didn't say anything, and when he flipped his hand, a jade bottle was thrown towards Xiao Yu.


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