Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3506: Bu Yun summons

There have been several days in the second world space. In these few days, Xiao Yu has been consolidating his strength.

In the second world space.

Xiao Yu opened his eyes slightly, and there was a faint golden light in his eyes.

The aura around him was vast as the sea, as steady as a mountain, and as deep as a cliff. The transformation of that kind of temperament made Xiao Yu seem like a new person.

"Finally stabilized in the early stage of the Divine Palace Realm." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, with a satisfied look in his eyes.

There are three small realms in the Shenfu realm, three periods before, middle and back.

Because the Shenfu realm is the place where the fetal origin is conceived, and the fetal origin is the embryonic form of the future spirit, so when you reach this realm, you formally step into another watershed.

Although the Divine Mansion Realm was not enough for Xiao Yu to directly mobilize the power of heaven and earth, move mountains to fill the sea, and unload the mountains, but the essence of spiritual power from refining was a sign of Divine Mansion Realm.

At this time, within the palace, there was still a faint and hazy golden light, as if the lazy morning sun diffused the earth.

In four days, Xiao Yu not only consolidated to the early stage of the Divine Palace Realm, but also suppressed the state of excitement a few days ago.

Breaking from one great realm to another is naturally something to be happy about, but this is just another beginning, and there will be more severe tests in the future.

After the realm was stabilized, Xiao Yu continued to rest spiritually in the second world space.

To be honest, Xiao Yu really doesn't have much spiritual skills right now. In the academy, he really hasn't taken a class seriously.

Speaking of the spiritual arts he mastered, it was the Thousand Chance Yun Shou, which was obtained by accident.

"First consolidate some of them now, and then think of a way." Xiao Yu thought to himself.

There is not much time left for the assessment of the upper house, and almost everyone in the lower house is seizing the time to retreat.

In this case, the best way is to consolidate what you have now, and then learn the new ones. Of course, the premise is that there is no time.

And you must know that Xiao Yu's own skills are still quite a lot, and he has also obtained the gold-stone flashing technique and the gold swallowing technique on Gu Eagle.

Plus the eighty-one style of Zhenlong, and the soul formation.

Soon, Xiao Yu fell into a state of deaf ears again.

It took another month. Of course, it was only three days.

On this day, Xiao Yu was sent to Bu Yun's room.

Both Bu Yun and Gao An were there, and when Bu Yun Xiao Yu, the color of wonder in his eyes became more intense.

Gao An, with a look of shock in his eyes, immediately looked at Bu Lao, who nodded slightly and said, "I said, Xiao Yu would surprise us."

Gao An took a deep breath and couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yu more.

After not seeing him for a while, Xiao Yu's strength has risen to such a powerful level.

Originally, before Xiao Yu went to Tengyuan Continent, his realm of strength shocked them, but at that time Xiao Yu was already at the level of Tianfu realm.

And now?

"If I'm right, Xiao Yu, you should have broken through to the realm of the gods, right?" Bu Yun looked at Xiao Yu, his eyes a little unstable.

"Yeah." Xiao Yu nodded slightly.

Xiao Yu obviously didn't fluctuate much with respect to the cultivation base of his Divine Palace Realm.

"That's right, I'm still worried that you can't bear it."

After some exclamation, Bu Yun nodded slightly.

Xiao Yu was puzzled, what did Bu Lao mean?


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