Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3507: Taught individually

Gao An took a deep breath, still couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yu more, and said, "Bu Lao wants to pass on some of your techniques alone."

Xiao Yu was surprised when he heard this: "Alone?"

This is equivalent to teaching alone!

Cangling Academy really hadn't heard of such things as separate classes, but Xiao Yu knew that this must be Bu Yun and Gao An treating himself preferentially.

Gao An said: "Our Cangling Academy didn't teach separately, but since Bu Lao set the stage, you must know what it is for."

Xiao Yu nodded, and said, "Because of the upper court's assessment?"

"Yes, this time the upper court's assessment is very dangerous. I heard it is the most difficult assessment ever. It is a very severe test for our Cangling Academy, and even for the students of our Academy." Gao An said solemnly.

Xiao Yu had heard too many things about the difficulty of the upper court assessment.

Whether it is Ge Shan, Qingyin, or the students of the academy, it has been rumored too many times.

"In fact, I don't know what the specific assessment is. I only know that the higher the strength, the greater the confidence. I didn't pay much attention to the others." Xiao Yu said.

With this mind-cultivating character, both Yi Bu Yun and Gao An looked at Xiao Yu a few times.

"It's a good thing to know yourself and the enemy in a hundred battles, but do you know that this assessment is not just the assessment of our Cangling Academy? It is the joint exam of the five major seminaries." Bu Yun said.

Xiao Yu was taken aback: "Joint entrance exam? Joint supervision of the five major temples?"

"Not bad." Bu Yun's face also became slightly solemn.

Gao An said in a deep voice: "In the past, the assessments were all internal assessments of the college, so the threshold for entering the upper court was entirely based on your own college. This has led to the fact that the assessment difficulty of the five major seminaries is uneven, but our college has always The assessments are the simplest compared to other colleges."

Bu Yun sighed and said, "Although our college is one of the five major temples, it has been at the bottom for countless years."

Xiao Yu moved in his heart and asked, "Is there any reason for this?"

Isn't this the kind of freedom similar to when you were in the lower planes!

At that time, the Xiaoyao Sect was the first sect in the millennium, but the children of the back door were arrogant, and there were people who had betrayed the sect, and several sects squeezed each other behind, ranking bottom.

That period of history was the shame of Xiaoyaomen, and it only surfaced when Xiao Yu continued to explore.

Is this Cangling Academy the same?

And even if that is the case, it is not surprising!

After all, you must know that Cangling Academy is the five largest temple in the Nine Heavens World, and it is even a **** born before.

The competition between the five major temples must be even greater, right?

But Bu Yun shook his head and said: "You must know that the world is changing all the time. Just as the five gods were born closest to the present, but after thousands of years, the gods have disappeared from the world. With a flick of a finger, ten thousand. The year just flies, maybe a person was still alive and kicking in the last moment, and the next moment he will return to his hometown. This is the destiny."

Xiao Yu was silent, Bu Yun was like an old man who has gone through vicissitudes of life, speaking with a meaningful flavor in it.

However, Xiao Yu did praise what Xiyun said.

The world is changing too fast, just as I didn't have the ability to cultivate, but I awakened the **** pattern overnight and embarked on the road of cultivation. Isn't this the same reason?

Gao An said: "Strictly speaking, it's not that our Cangling Academy has declined, but other academies have risen."


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