Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3508: Heiyan Peak where talents are withered

"Why do you say that?" Xiao Yu asked.

Bu Yun shook his head and replied: "Various reasons are related to the evolution of the world over the past tens of thousands of years. I won't be able to say it clearly for a while. When you arrive at the upper court, and then worship Master Chu, he will naturally tell you."

Xiao Yu's heart moved: "Could it be that Peak Master Chu meant it?"

Bu Yun nodded slightly and said, "Yes, Master Chu hopes that you will enter the upper courtyard and immediately worship under the Black Flame Peak."

Xiao Yu pondered, to be honest, he had no idea about the five main peaks.

But if you follow the idea of ​​normal people, you will definitely worship a higher peak and gain the inheritance and learning of a stronger peak owner.

In any case, Cangling Academy is a place where gods were born. If you want to obtain this highest inheritance, you must naturally choose a suitable peak master.

And Xiao Yu also knew that if he wanted to visit the five main peaks, how easy was it to say?

One of the barriers is the Upper House.

Yes, the main peak is beyond the upper house.

Only when you enter the upper house are you eligible to enter the five main peaks, and you can't enter casually.

Gao An said: "We all know that Master Chu will bring you in. Maybe many people think you will worship under Heiyan Peak, but as the saying goes, water flows to a high place. If you have the ability, it is reasonable to choose Cangling Peak. As it should be."

Xiao Yu's heart moved and said, "Is the main peak where Chief Cang Lingfeng is located?"

"Yes." Gao An nodded.

Xiao Yu nodded slightly. The strongest person in Cangling Academy was the dean, and the dean was sitting on Cangling Peak. This was natural.

"Maybe it is the dream of everyone in the entire Cangling Academy to worship under Cangling Peak?" Xiao Yu asked.

"You can say that, but..." Gao An's eyes flickered, and said, "I can tell you that Cangling Peak is not necessarily the strongest in Cangling Academy for so many years."

Xiao Yu's heart moved, Gao An has something to say!

According to the truth, among the five main peaks, one of the main peaks is the dean. Shouldn’t Cangling Peak be the strongest in the past?

Bu Yun said: "Xiao Yu, the origins of the five main peaks, we will tell you later that Peak Master Chu wants us to train you and then let you enter the Black Flame Peak. Do you know the reason?"

"Every peak master hopes that a talented and powerful disciple will join his main peak. Even if Peak Master Chu is selfish, that's right." Xiao Yu said.

"This is one of them, and there is another reason. Below Heiyan Peak, from the time Peak Master Chu worshipped Heiyan Peak, he was the last disciple. Twenty years have passed since now."

Xiao Yu was taken aback: "Heiyan Peak has been the last one since Peak Master Chu visited that year?"

"Hey, I'm not afraid to tell you that Dongmen was my most gifted student in the lower house at the beginning. Unfortunately, not long after he entered Heiyanfeng, the peak owner of Heiyanfeng at the time got into trouble because of his practice. Dongmen was in danger. Become the youngest peak owner under tremendous pressure."

Xiao Yu didn't expect Chu Dongmen to have such a history.

"and after?"

Gao An said: "The Master Chu and I were both students in the lower court. He was born in an ordinary family, but he was born in an ordinary family, but he was very talented. After taking over as the peak owner of Heiyan Peak, he was naturally rejected by other peak owners. They can only accept the rules. After so many years of pressure, Peak Master Chu has slowly gained growth, and has gradually been recognized by several Peak Masters, but twenty years have passed, and many talented children have been born during this period, but still He didn't choose Heiyanfeng."

Bu Yun took the words and said, "Dongmen doesn't want to put you too much pressure, but also wants to test you, so after bringing you in, he will put you in the lower court instead of pulling you into Heiyan Peak."

"Of course he can do this, but he doesn't, because if you do this, you will be under greater pressure than he was in the past, and..."

"Besides, my strength was the weakest in the higher planes at that time, and I would be controversial if I entered." Xiao Yu took the words.

Immediately afterwards, Bu Yun flipped his hand, even if a light group appeared in Xuan...


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