Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3534: Spiritual source

On the other side, Xiao Yu on the road, although he got a hundred thousand spirit barley, he was not very happy, but instead was thinking about one thing, that is the Lingquan Waterfall.

"I will take the entrance exam in one week. This time I will use Lingquan Waterfall to break through to another level."

Gao An knew that Xiao Yu was going to Lingquan Waterfall, so he and Xiao Yu went to the entrance of Lingquan Waterfall immediately.

"Xiao Yu, this Lingquan Waterfall was originally owned by Hall Master Qing, but since she gave it to you, according to the previous agreement, you can enter without time limit."

It was still a majestic waterfall, flying straight down three thousand feet, Xiao Yu suddenly felt refreshed when he saw it, and even the branches of the sky tree were about to move.

That day was when the branches of the Tianmu went upstream, triggering the spiritual marrow on the Lingquan Waterfall, which allowed Xiao Yu to obtain a greater amount of spiritual spring energy to wash his body and obtain the best effect.

It is a pity that it was already evening, and the energy on the Lingquan Waterfall on that day had been absorbed.

There are still five seats, but none of these five seats are on it.

"Teacher Gao, isn't this Lingquan waterfall shared by the upper and lower courtyards? Why is there no one?" Xiao Yu asked.

"What you want to ask is that the people in the upper house didn't come, right?" Gao An said, breaking Xiao Yu's thoughts.


Xiao Yu had experienced the energy of Lingquan Waterfall, so he knew how precious the pure spiritual energy of Lingquan Waterfall was.

According to what I heard before, there must be enough tasks to be able to redeem the qualifications to enter here, why is there no one in the five seats?

Gao An glanced at Xiao Yu and said with a smile: "You asked, and Master Chu ordered to come down. The Lingquan Waterfall was vacated a week before the entrance exam. Do you know why?"

Xiao Yu smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid Peak Master Chu guessed that I was going to enter here before the entrance exam. He specifically ordered this? But this way, that also caused me a lot of hatred!"

"Hahaha! Do you think you have less hatred? Many people in the upper court have long been waiting for you." Gao An said with a smile.

Xiao Yu shook his head, but thanked Chu Dongmen in his heart.

In any case, although Chu Dongmen didn't explicitly help himself, it also gave himself a lot of convenience.

Gao An’s voice turned and he looked at Xiao Yu and said, “Actually, I really want to know, how did you make your spiritual marrow energize so much energy last time? For so many years, I have never heard of anyone who can do this of."

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Teacher Gao, I don't know, maybe the spirit is very close to me."

Gao An laughed and cursed, knowing that Xiao Yu had many secrets, and he didn't ask much. "Okay, then I wish you out in advance. No one will disturb you this week."

"Teacher Xie."

Gao An withdrew, the barrier began to close again, and no one could come in and disturb Xiao Yu anymore.

Xiao Yu raised his head to look at the Lingquan Waterfall that Fei Liu went straight down three thousand feet, and his eyes narrowed: "I don't know what realm I can use you to break through this time?"

"Boy, this time, I feel that I can stimulate the upper spiritual marrow a little more. I suspect that under the spiritual marrow is a spiritual source." Qinqi said.


"It is the original origin of the spiritual power of heaven and earth. The sect or certain forces have always been established in the spiritual source. Of course, the spiritual source is also large and small. The reason why the spiritual marrow can be bred, it must not be so. simple."

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, eyes a little expectant and excited--

"In that case, I will find out this time!"

Xuan even jumped to the middle of Lingquan Waterfall.


Countless waterfalls impacted on the spot, and Xiao Yu's heart moved.



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