Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3535: The last retreat before the entrance exam

At this time, Xiao Yu's physical body is no longer comparable to when he first started the chakra state, but who knows, the impact of this waterfall is actually like the one at the beginning, which makes people feel oppressed and suffocated.

"Sure enough, it is Lingquan! Actually, it can produce different impacts with different strength levels, so that it can absorb the energy in the Lingquan to the greatest extent!"

Lingquan Waterfall is an excellent place to absorb energy, and at the same time, with this impact, it can stimulate one's own potential to the maximum under one mind and two purposes.

The ability to withstand these impacts depends entirely on strength, and of course the talent of the flesh.

There was a painful impact from his body, but Xiao Yu felt a hearty feeling.

Compared to the state where the body is almost destroyed in the thunder pond, this is nothing short of a witch.

Xiao Yu seemed to be accustomed to the cultivation state in which his body was stimulated by external forces. He allowed the impact of these forces while controlling the branches of the sky tree to spread out.

Under the impact of the Lingquan Waterfall, the huge impact force on Xiao Yu's body and the energy in the Lingquan increased at the same time.

But this is far from enough.

The huge divine palace requires a lot of energy to stimulate and absorb.

When countless people reach this step, their cultivation bases have reached a plateau, and their cultivation speed will slow down.

After all, how much energy does it take to stimulate such a huge palace?

Moreover, because Xiao Yu's palace is a gold-grade palace, the energy required is even greater.

Of course, this is not a bad thing. Although to a certain extent, the time of cultivation will become, but it is more condensed and stronger than the same level.

This is the different power states bred by different ranks of the gods.

The Tianmu branch seemed to remember this Lingquan waterfall, frantically spreading upward, and soon reached the spiritual essence.

After the Tianmu branch touched the spiritual marrow, the spiritual marrow surged wildly, and immediately countless energy was washed down.

Long Tunqi is greedily absorbing these huge energy, but this level of energy may be enough for ordinary Tianfu and Shenfu realms, but it is far from reaching the range that Xiao Yu needs.

"This energy isn't a lot. No wonder there are so few people here. If it were me, I would choose to exchange my quest for the elixir." Xiao Yu thought to himself.

It's not that the energy on the Lingquan Waterfall is useless to the people in the upper house, but the energy of the Lingquan is too mild, and it takes a very long time to absorb before it can absorb enough to break through.

If it were for a day and a half, it was not enough. It might take more than a week to play a huge role at a level above the Divine Palace realm.

But the spirit pill, then it can release a huge amount of energy to absorb it instantly.

"But that is for ordinary people, not the same as me." Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed.

The spiritual marrow above the waterfall glowed with a huge light, and the branches of the sky wood directly penetrated into the spiritual marrow, extending directly toward the spiritual source that Qiong Qi said.

When the wooden branch entered inside with Xiao Yu's consciousness that day, Xiao Yu was suddenly surprised.

"This is the spiritual source!?"

I can only see that there is still another cave under the spirit!

That is a huge, boundless, green world of energy!

The energy here extends from the entire mountain peak and then to the underground.

"so amazing!"

Xiao Yu was excited, even Qiongqi seemed to be excited.

"It just so happens that you can absorb it here too!"

Qiongqi immediately turned into a consciousness and went deep into it, while the Golden Wing Roc was recovering, and he was also absorbing these energy.

Xiao Yu immediately entered the state of concentration and began his last retreat before the entrance exam.


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