Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3548: Poshafang

Xiao Yu was too familiar with the aura of a demon cultivator.

I think that when I was in the sect world, I could say that I had always been fighting against the demons.

Although the so-called demonic cultivators in the lower planes are just a group of people who have cultivated the power of evil on the basis of cultivating demons, but at that time it also made the entire world of the sect plane be full of chickens. Confusion.

"The aura of the demonic cultivator is good, and it is normal for this group to be stationed here," Qiong Qi said calmly.

For him, the cultivator is just living in the world of nine days like ordinary human beings, and the same is cultivation, but the path of cultivation is different from that of ordinary cultivators.

Basically, the cultivators gain strength by killing or devouring human blood.

"Put away some messy thoughts, everything in the world has no hierarchy, there is no surviving, and there is no mortal, but the rules of survival are different." Qin Qi said lightly.

This tone is like an old man who sees through the world.

But Xiao Yu nodded in agreement.

After all, he wasn't the self in the lower planes anymore. The more knowledge he had, the more he knew how the world worked.

Soon, Xiao Yu was heading towards the place of small chaos.

The City of Chaos is not actually called the City of Chaos, but Xiao Yu inquired about it before he left.

The whole town is a gray hue, but it does not conceal its grandeur.

The place of chaos can be said to be a black market zone in the Floating Continent. Therefore, people from the entire continent will go here for various transactions.

Walking on the road, Xiao Yu could clearly feel that many people's eyes were cunning and sinister, as if they would be stabbed by the back if they were not careful.

The strength of the people in this town should not be underestimated, but Xiao Yu didn't think about it, but felt that something was wrong.

"Isn't this the route considered in the first part? How come you come in so easily?"

To go to the secret realm of the second part, you must pass through this chaotic place, but this is too easy to enter, right?

"Hey, boy, those people in your college don't have enough food to do. You will know soon."

Xiao Yu also nodded, and in a short while, he walked to the side of a tall building.

"Poshafang, this name is really murderous."

There were a lot of people in this killing workshop, coming and going, and there seemed to be a lot of gloomy aura spreading out of it.

Xiao Yu was very sensitive to this kind of evil force, and after thinking about it, he stepped in.

Poshafang is really well-deserved, and entering it is like entering a black shop.

The dark light was shrouded, and there was a trace of blood in it, and the people inside were full of mystery and blood.

There seemed to be some gloomy light faintly gleaming.

However, Xiao Yu found out that there was an auction pavilion inside this broken killing workshop, with many people selling strange things.

But fortunately, when Xiao Yu went to the Ape City, those things were strange. They were all **** things like monsters' internal organs and beasts' souls, and they all felt nauseous.

"The fluctuations of these artifacts are very strong and obscure, resembling a spirit treasure, and even have a breath similar to a **** soldier."


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