Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3549: Scroll of Formation

Xiao Yu was not only surprised, it was like seeing a blood-colored jade pendant in it, about the level of a middle-grade spirit treasure, but there was an extremely subtle aura hidden in it.

For another example, Xiao Yu saw something that looked like a horn. This thing was a low-grade spirit treasure, but the price was more expensive than some middle-grade spirit treasures.

"But the sales here are clearly marked, which is fair."

Those weird things with low-grade spirit treasures generally cost one million to two million spirit barley.

The middle-grade Lingbao even went to more than 3 million.

"Huh? These scrolls...have the breath of soul!"

With a glance, Xiao Yu discovered that one of the ancient parchment-like scrolls had strong soul fluctuations!

"Three-rank formation! One hundred thousand spirit barley!"

Qiong Qi said: "Boy, have you seen how big the world is now? These are the formations engraved on the scroll. Ordinary people can also use the formations to attack. Of course, it is a one-time use and there will be nothing after use.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath: "It turns out that the formation mage is so'making money'!"

An ordinary three-rank formation, portrayed on the scroll, has a hundred thousand spirit barley!

It is difficult for Xiao Yu to fight with others on the school court for the hundred thousand spirit barley.

"Hey, soul cultivators are originally profit-making professions, especially alchemists and refiners. They can't be 100% successful in their alchemy and refinement. There are even some spiritual pills that can be refined only once a hundred times, you think Want to see how many elixir and ore will be burned?"

Xiao Yu nodded. He still had contact with alchemists and artifact refiners, so he knew why these two professions were scarce and were worshipped and respected, but not all family powers could afford it!

Xiao Yu groaned: "The formation masters portray the formation on the scroll. Although there is no material consumption, it is mental consumption, but the description of the formation is just like casting the formation, which has little impact on them. So there are few scrolls, it's very likely that the mages are not short of money at all."

Unlike the alchemist and the refiner, the array mage requires countless elixir and ores to start refining.

The Array Mage is immersed in his own soul cultivation all the year round, without any foreign objects at all.

Since there is no need to consume, how can they be short of money?

Moreover, the formation is portrayed on the scroll, unless it is to help people who are familiar, otherwise these arrogant formation masters are extremely disdainful of selling them.

Xiao Yu's heart moved and said, "Hey, why don't I paint the formation on the scroll by myself, and then sell it? I also use the third rank formation rain and mist formation!

After all, there are a hundred thousand spirit barley! This is not a small amount of energy!

Maybe it can't help you break through, but it can help you quickly replenish it!

However, Xiao Yu changed his mind to think about it, this kind of good thing should be kept for the future, now is the time when it is urgent to preserve strength, there can be no difference.

Moreover, the formations that oneself rests are indeed too few, and unlike in the lower planes, there are many formations for the Divine Soul Curse to practice.

Xiao Yu had no choice but to temporarily dispel this idea of ​​making spiritual barley.

As he walked, he suddenly found a silver flute on one of the counters that attracted Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's soul couldn't help but fluctuate, which showed that the silver flute was nothing ordinary.

Xiao Yu brought it up and asked for fifty thousand spiritual barleys for the price.

"Boy, buy it." Qiongqi said suddenly.

Xiao Yu thought for a while, and just bought it. He just wanted to ask, and suddenly he noticed a stare looking at him. He turned his head to look, and suddenly some amazing eyes flashed away.


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