Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3559: Backlash

After a while, a black light shrouded everyone in.

That feeling is like being trapped in a kind of endless darkness, making people feel like a kind of chaos.

Although Xiao Yu and Yan Yue also sat down cross-legged, they were observing the surroundings.

Those people have already begun to gather their minds, and obviously can't wait to enter the act of enlightening the monument.

When they first started practicing, there was a strange light lingering above their heads.

Xiao Yu's heart became more disturbed, as if he had touched something.

But Yanyue was still calm, with bright eyes and white teeth, like a green lotus in the water.

Yanyue said, "This is a magic formation. We can silence our minds, but it is dangerous."

Yes, when the Xiu Demon Monument was opened, the formation was formed by itself, and this was what surprised Xiao Yu.

"I also want to see what the **** is inside." Xiao Yu sneered.

The two of them quickly became introverted and entered this space for repairing demons.

Gan Yichen, who was next to the Demon Cultivation Monument, narrowed his eyes. When he saw that Xiao Yu Ye Yanyue had also entered the Demon Cultivation Array space, he suddenly sneered.

"Master, master is ready, and they have already entered." The deacon next to him whispered.

Gan Yichen's eyes flickered with blood, and said: "Well, I have never tried the taste of the five great temples, maybe the result is better than we expected!"

After all, Gan Yichen's heart moved, and his whole person was so submerged in the Demon Repairing Monument!

When Xiao Yu and Yanyue were restrained, they found that they had entered another strange scene.

Here is the Gan’s mansion, but at this time, the entire sky is a night scene, and the magic monument is missing. There are many people sitting cross-legged on the ground of the manor.

Only the two of them are sober.

Xiao Yu and Yanyue left the manor and walked to the corridor. Inside the door of the corridor, there were still people sitting cross-legged. They were in a state of immersion and immersion.

"This devil-cultivation monument is a space of formations on its own, and the space is full of demon-cultivating power, which can be provided for them to cultivate and strengthen their cultivation, but only those with a clear and bright spiritual platform can be sober in it." Yanyue Said.

Xiao Yu nodded. As a matter of fact, these people have already begun to cultivate as soon as they entered. Talk about getting sober?

Before they entered, this kind of obsession with cultivation was already very strong, and they even felt confused.


But at this moment, when they passed a certain room, they suddenly found that one of them looked painful, and then screamed, the whole body was swallowed by black energy.

Outside the manor.

There was a person in this person, and his body quickly became a human being. He didn't even scream, and he died like that.

Xiao Yu frowned, his mind was in this space of demon cultivation, but the six senses were still detecting outside, and the tragic death of that person was almost instantaneous.

"His soul was eaten back by the power of demonic cultivation." Yanyue said.

"That person's death is not so simple." Xiao Yu said solemnly.

For no reason, why is the soul swallowed suddenly?

But soon, the souls of several people were swallowed by the power of demonic cultivation one after another.

"What's the matter?"

Yanyue stared at another corner of the corridor suddenly, and said: "The swallowing breath came from inside."


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