Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3560: Repairing a demon puppet (part 1)

Pinched a room in the magic formation.

In the dimly lit room, there was a green-lighted triangle symbol formation on the ground, and in the middle of the formation was sitting cross-legged a middle-aged man. At the same time, there were three triangle formations. Three old men were also sitting in the corner.

In front of these four people, a black-clothed Gan Yichen looked at these four people, his eyes especially on the middle-aged man in the middle.

At least six points of Gan Yichen's appearance is similar to a middle-aged person. This middle-aged person and person are the strongest and the lord of the chaotic city. Gan wins.

At this moment, you can see that there is a black light flickering above Gan Ying’s head. After a while, a light flies in from outside the room, and immediately restores the black light in the light group above Gan Ying’s head. The group seems to have grown and inspired.

Gan Yichen watched this scene with some satisfaction. At this moment, his eyes flashed with a hint of light, he licked his lips, and said: "It seems that they have discovered this formation."

"Next morning, how come there are two dissociative consciousnesses?" Gan Ying opened his eyes, his eyes flickering somewhat coldly.

At the same time, the eyes of the three elders were also very cold.

I don't know how many times the formation in this monument of magic repair has been opened, but almost all people who are immersed in it will be attracted by this power of magic repair, and will not be distracted.

"These two are not demons." An elder said in a deep voice.

Another elder said: "They seem to know the secret of the operation of the magic formation."

The four of them looked at Gan Yichen at the same time. The latter smiled confidently and said, "It's just a self-righteous guy. I'll deal with them, father, elder, you continue."


Xiao Yu and Yanyue stared at the room not far ahead.

"If I guess correctly, they will find us soon." Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes and said.

The two immediately became vigilant, and at this moment, suddenly, behind Xiao Yu and Yanyue, there was a very dangerous aura.

"call out!"

The two of them immediately turned their heads, especially Xiao Yu, feeling as if a very powerful and eerie power came from his back.

His eyes dazzled, and he turned around and punched it.


During the confrontation, a black shadow was directly beaten up, it was a person!

The man's eyes were gray, and some green lights were shining, and his whole body was lifeless.

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed, and said, "These are the people outside! The soul has been eaten away, and at the same time it is controlled."

As soon as the words fell, the soulless man rushed towards Xiao Yu again, and at the same time he grabbed his hand, and he arrived at a long sword of black light, and the long sword suddenly slashed out of sword energy.

This sword energy condensed by the power of demonic cultivation, in conjunction with this magic cultivation formation, adds a gloom and terror in it.

Before this life, there were at least nine layers of Tianfu Realm!

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and he didn't put himself in his eyes too much.

I saw him clenching a fist, a golden light wrapped around his arm, and an impact light swept up.

Yanyue didn't move, because she knew that this controlled puppet was going to deal with Xiao Yu.

When she felt the golden light on Xiao Yu's body, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"Golden God House?"


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