Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3576: Yanyue's idea

Xiao Yu frowned, he should have thought that things would not be that simple.

After all, given a week, the five colleges naturally took this into consideration.

"This Gan family should have a lot of enemies, they all covet this Demon Soul Stone. The City of Mixed Wheels is in chaos, and the owner is changed immediately here, and the strength is not weaker than before. There are people guarding it." Yan Yue said.

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "If this is the case, I don't mind killing them again."

"There are too many demon cultivators in the chaotic land, and the demon soul stone is secretly spread, and there must be many people fighting for it. This is not wise." Yanyue didn't even think about it in her words, but just blurted it out, which made Xiao Yu a little surprised.

"I think you should have a way?" Xiao Yu looked at Yanyue curiously.

This girl was calm, calm and intelligent. Although she was a little stubborn, she didn't feel a little flustered in her words and actions. On the contrary, she appeared very sophisticated.

"Didn't you just say that there are three days left? We changed our way." Yanyue said.

This was really beyond Xiao Yu's expectation. He frowned, and said, "Although the three routes are all floating on the mainland, the three places must be a little bit apart. I just changed my route now. Will it be too late? "

"And you just said that there must be someone looking for us outside the City of Chaos. Even if we leave this city, we may face chase. Besides, there are only three roads that lead to the place of assessment. We are not Know where the other two roads are."

Since the five major temples jointly worked out this so-called first part of the assessment, and also screened out three roads, it means that only these three roads can lead to the secret land of the second part of the assessment.

Xiao Yu thought he was going well, but he didn't expect that the difficulties he was about to face would be so great.

Yanyue had everything under control, and said, "No, as long as we leave this city, I have a way to get us there immediately."

Xiao Yu immediately glanced at Yanyue in surprise. The Floating Continent is a lower-middle plane continent with a very large area. Is there a way to Yanyue?

"What's the solution? Also, where are you going?" Xiao Yu now felt that this girl was becoming more and more mysterious.

"Go to the first route, which is the so-called family territory. As for the method, you will know after you escape."

Xiao Yu was speechless, since Yanyue said so, could she say anything else?

He thought for a while and said, "Okay! If that's the case, let's rush to the south to break through. The City of Chaos can't be completely sealed, and we must leave a door."

"But have you ever thought about it, Seongnam may be the strongest defensive."

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes, and vaguely some ferocious aura spread out, and said, "This is how we can test our strength, isn't it?"

Yanyue didn't expect Xiao Yu to be so strong in fighting spirit, but after thinking about it carefully, those who chose the chaotic land route naturally wanted to withstand greater challenges, and she was no exception.

"Let's go."


Land in the south of the city.

After the destruction of the Gan family, the City of Chaos was quickly taken over by the enemy of the Gan family, who was also a group of evil cultivators outside the city.

During this period of time, more and more demonic cultivators came from outside, but none of them entered the city, but lurked in the woods outside the city.

The gate of the city.

"Boss, these turtle grandsons are really lying in ambush here. It seems that they dare to offend us even for the Demon Soul Stone."


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