Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3577: Jin Liao

It was a thin man who was talking. This man had a thin face, but his eyes were gleaming. The thin man was talking to a tall middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man is wearing a black robe, a black gold belt around his waist, long hair, and a face full of murderous air.

There was some black air lingering in this person, and he knew at first glance that he was not a mortal.

This person's name is Jin Liao, and he is one of the best cultivators in the City of Chaos.

There are still a lot of people from the black market in the south of the city, and the Jin and Liao gang stay in the south of the city.

Jin Liao's eyes seemed to be able to see through the thousand meters ahead, and he sneered: "If you want to grab the Demon Soul Stone from me, don't blame my subordinates for being merciless."

His voice didn't speak loudly, but it passed into the ears of those far away.

The faces of those who hid suddenly changed, but they still gritted their teeth and still did not decide to leave.

"This Demon Soul Stone has been in Gan's house for so many years. It must have a huge power in it. This is my opportunity!"

"In any case, this time I definitely cannot fall into the hands of others!"

These people are all thinking of playing the Demon Soul Stone in their hearts, and they seem to put life and death out of control.

Jin Liao saw that those breaths hadn't diminished, his eyes drenched, and he ignored them.

"Boss, why are you sure they will break through from the south of the city?" the thin man asked.

"Is it because the four gates only open the southern gate?" another person asked.

"If that's the case, they might think that we are guarding here. Isn't this self-inflicted?"

Jin Liao’s eyes flickered with cold light, and he said coldly: "You think well, but have you ever thought about it. Since these two people dare to kill even if they are willing to win, they are ordinary people? As long as they have a little courage, they don’t. Will do sneaky things."

At this moment, a voice came from far away in the city.

"Hehe, your Excellency really looks up to us!"

After a while, two young figures walked from the street towards the gate of the city.

The entire city of chaos has already begun to gradually become less crowded, and seeing these two young faces, his complexion changed slightly.

This man is handsome and unrestrained, with a calm smile on his face.

The female is beautiful, her face is cold, but she does not lose a noble temperament like a bright moon, especially her long silver hair and graceful figure, which makes people salivate.

Who are these two people, not Xiao Yu and Yanyue?

When Jin Liao and the others saw Xiao Yu and Yan Yue, they were immediately alert.

"You are the one who killed Gan Ying?" Jin Liao narrowed his eyes and asked coldly.



These demon cultivators suddenly took a breath. The two of them were really bold. This is because they know that there are tigers in the mountains and go to Hushan!

However, it is the ordinary people who can kill Gan Ying! ?

Jin Liao took a step, his eyes coldly said: "Hand over the Demon Soul Stone, I can let you go! Otherwise, even if you are from the five major temples, I will not be merciful!"

For a time, dozens of people behind Jin and Liao began to disperse.

The streets of the entire chaotic city became very cold, and those people watched this scene from the rooftops far away.

"These two people are self-inflicted. Do they think that they can kill Jin Liao if they kill Gan Ying? They are still too young."

"Yes, Jin and Liao are better than Gan to win, but they are afraid to win and have the Demon Soul Stone in their hands, so they always choose to stay outside the city, instead of heading into the city and head to head."

Xiao Yu glanced at Jin Liao and the others. This man has a deeper cultivation base than Gan Ying!

At the same time, in the late stage of the Divine Origin Realm, Jin and Liao had obviously reached the bottleneck of the peak of the Divine Origin Realm. Moreover, Gan Ying had long absorbed the power of demon cultivation transformed by others. Although the realm would be a little vain, this Jin Liao was The real peak of the Divine Origin Realm!

"The Devil Soul Stone is not on us." Xiao Yu said calmly.

"is it?"

Jin Liao's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he didn't even talk nonsense, and said, "If this is the case, then kill it!"

For a moment, dozens of people behind him immediately rushed over, and the surging power of magic cultivation suddenly broke out.

Xiao Yu knew that today, he was going to kill him!


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