Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3578: Siege (Part 1)

What you need to know is that there are many demon cultivators, but because of the fact that the Gan family is sitting in a chaotic place, many demon cultivators are still incompatible with them.

And the Demon Soul Stone is the treasure of the Demon Cultivator. If it is obtained, it will not only be able to obtain the Demon Cultivation Formation inside, but also can reproduce the so-called Demon Stele Trick of the Gan Family.

Of course, there is one more point, and the most important point. The Demon Soul Stone has been used by the Gan family for so many years, and it definitely contains a huge power of magic repair. If it can be used, it is a huge source of energy!

Unfortunately, they didn’t know that Xiao Yu had cracked the magic formation formation in the Demon Soul Stone, and that the power of the soul could no longer be transformed into the power of magic repair. The energy of the soul power in it had already become Part of Xiao Yu's soul.

In a short while, dozens of Jin Liao's subordinates immediately blasted over.

The surging demon-cultivation momentum shrouded directly, these dozens of people were obviously people who licked blood all year round, their eyes were condensed like torches, and their bodies were like ghosts.

It doesn't look like they are like scattered sand, like killers who fight all year round.

Of these dozens of people, most of them are in the Heavenly Sun Realm, a small part of them are in the Tianfu Realm, and even a few of them have reached the early and middle stages of the Shenfu Realm.

What I have to say is that this power is indeed very terrifying, because these dozens of people, even in the face of the entire lower house of the Cangling Academy, can be guaranteed to remain invincible, and even be able to beat both sides.

This is still the strength of a casual repair team!

Therefore, this is the danger to the outside world and one of the reasons why very few people choose this route.

The place of chaos is so huge, and there are so many demonic cultivators. They kill people as soon as they see them and seize treasures. How can those cultivators who grew up in the ivory pagoda fight these villains?

"call out!"

These demon cultivators have produced their own low-grade spirit treasures one after another. Numerous black lights flashed, and the sharp sword aura contained powerful demon cultivating power, and the volley was just killing them.

Weapon offensives and powerful moves are suppressed at the same time, just like the dark power that swallows the light, making people unable to see a little light.

The combined strength of these people was not as good as the three elders of the Gan family.

Even if they met them in the later stage of the Divine Palace Realm, they couldn't please.

Xiao Yu's eyes drenched. He could kill Gan Ying, who claimed that his power would not be exhausted, in the late stage of the Divine Palace Realm. Faced with these casual cultivators, it was nothing more than a sledgehammer.

But seeing Xiao Yu's arm punched, the golden light flashed, and the power of the dragon leaped forward, and a torrent of power hit the reef like a big wave.

In an instant, the ten or so people in the Heavenly Sun Realm at the front were like broken eggs, and their offensives were bombarded and killed into countless black mists.

The power of the dragon's domineering aura is terrifying, Yu Wei still has two-thirds of the power, and immediately rushed towards the people behind.

If the ones in the front are cannon fodder, then the ones in the middle and behind are Jin Liao's powerful men.

The remaining dozens of people's offensive blasted over at the same time, and the remaining power of the dragon's power was shattered on the spot, but the dozens of people were also shaken back several tens of meters.

It seemed to resist Xiao Yu's fist style, but it also caused them a small loss.

Jin Liao at the end narrowed his eyes, this kid's power was simply terrifying!

And at this moment, on the city wall, there were hundreds of people exposed, and these were the guards of the chaotic city by Jin and Liao.



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