Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3579: Siege (Part 2)

Jin Liao gave an order, and for a while, all the people on the city wall took out bows, arrows, spears, and spears, and even several of them were Human Spirit Array Mage and Earth Spirit Array Mage.

These bows and arrows, spears, and spears all contained the power of magic repair, and they were thrown down like a meteor.

The weapon offensive that looked like a violent storm suddenly swept over, and some array attacks were mixed in it.

Xiao Yu suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashed with murderous intent. Jin Liao was expecting that he would be able to break through the gate of the south of the city. He actually laid the net in such a short time.

Just when Xiao Yu was about to fight back, a silver piece of silver swept up like water under the moon.

"Boom boom!"

The offensives on those city walls seemed to have fallen into a battle, and they were broken on the spot.

When Xiao Yu turned his head, he saw Yan Yue jade waving his hand, and the silver light was like moonlight setting up a piece of eaves defense above Xiao Yu's head.

"They give it to me."

After Yanyue said, Qinglian slightly spotted on the ground, like an elf, and a few jumps were to the city wall. Her palms were as soft as a lake, but the silver light was like a vast ocean. Killed several people.

Jin and Liao's eyes suddenly sank, Xiao Yu and Yanyue's fighting talents really exceeded his expectations, and he was even more sure that they must not let them leave here.

Xiao Yu flipped his hand and started with the Seven-Star Sword. With so many weapons, plus so many people, it would be best to use weapons to attack.

I saw the Seven Star Sword draw a halo, which was as large as tens of meters, covering all the space.

Seven Star Sword Fourth Style, Sword Dance·Returning Wind Kill!

This was Xiao Yu's first use of the Fourth Form of the Seven-Star Sword in a higher plane.

You have to know the last time you used it, or when you faced the Sect Master of the Five Sects.

Then, when he reached the higher planes, in order to hide the mismatch between the Seven Star Sword and his own strength, Xiao Yu gradually didn't use it.

And you must know how powerful the Fourth Form of the Seven-Star Sword that Xiao Yu is currently using is so powerful that it is naturally impossible to be comparable to that of the lower planes.

The remaining dozens of people who rushed forward seemed to have realized the power of Xiao Yu's sword skills, and they were panicked, but it was too late.

The average number of people was killed on the spot, and countless blood was thrown into the air. The remaining twenty-odd cultivators were scared and pale on the spot.

"Is this a high-grade Lingbao? My God, it's terrible."

"Where is Lingbao? This is simply a magic weapon!"

From the time he spoke to the present, Xiao Yu only used two tricks, but half of the people died. This has to be said to be the horror of the opponent.

Jin Liao was finally moved when he saw this scene. He couldn't sit still anymore, and he ran up with a furious cry.

How did Jin and Liao say that they are all top players in the City of Chaos. After finally taking over the City of Chaos, how can they fight a beautiful battle.

When it was said that it was too late, Jin Liao flipped his hand and a black gourd appeared directly. Then he threw the gourd towards the sky, and some black ripples in the gourd immediately oscillated.

"This is the boss' "Ghost Shulu"!"

Someone recognized it, and suddenly became ecstatic.


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