Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3608: Wei Family Patriarch

In an instant, the cold light in the eyes of Patriarch Wei's eyes flashed, and the dark-faced middle-aged man's complexion was even more gloomy and terrifying.

They have lost another Earth Spirit formation, and they are still such a powerful elder!

That can be ranked third in the entire Wei family!

The souls of those Wei family's Array Masters also shook.

"Elder Wei Ming... was killed!"

These Wei family's array mages took a sigh of relief.

They had never imagined that a kid could even break through the twenty-seven magical killing array of their Wei family.

Not to mention that the other party is easy, but that kind of light-lifting posture is indeed not something ordinary people can do.

"This person's soul talent has reached the level of heaven!?"

"Is it possible that his talent reaches the level of the young master?"


All these guardians took a breath.

They know very well what kind of soul talent the young master of their Wei family is, that is a very powerful existence in the entire Floating Spirit Continent, even among the many higher planes!

You know, soul talent has three levels of heaven, earth and human, and each level has ten levels.

When Xiao Yu was on the lower plane, testing soul talent was already at the tenth level.

Of course, the tenth rank of the earth level was under the circumstances that Xiao Yu had hidden his soul talent.

In other words, their feelings are not wrong, Xiao Yu's soul talent has reached the level of heaven.

Heaven-level soul talent, not to mention that in the lower planes, it is the kind of super soul cultivating genius that has not been produced for a hundred years, or in the higher planes, it is also difficult to find an existence among millions of people.

The strongest existence of their Wei family is the Earth Spirit Array Mage, and the opponent is definitely a Earth Spirit Master.

But Earth Spiritists also have strengths and weaknesses. Obviously, the strength of the opponent's soul cultivation is beyond their imagination.

"Patriarch." The black-faced middle-aged man looked at the Patriarch of Wei who didn't speak.

Obviously, the black-faced middle-aged man knows very well in his heart that if he is dispatched, the best situation is to tie the young man.

Just because his strength is not much stronger than Wei Ming.

In the best case, it is their Patriarch's initiative, so that they can kill each other at once!

At this time, Patriarch Wei's eyes finally burst into light.

At the beginning, he just felt that when Xiao Yu broke the 25 phantom killing formations, he was originally interested in Xiao Yu.

Gradually, when Wei Shan and Wei Ming were killed one after another, he knew that this young man was too much beyond their imagination.

If it is not resolved quickly, wouldn't it be underestimated by the other party?

Moreover, they thought that there were the last two lines of defense in the Wei family, but now they have reached the last line of defense, that is, the level of the Patriarch of the Wei family!

Thinking of this, Patriarch Wei's eyes flickered with a cold light, and he whispered: "Stop it all, it seems that if I don't show up, our Wei family must not have the capital to gain a foothold in the floating continent."

At this moment, one after another, those in the Wei family also slowly opened their eyes.

Yes, they don't even need to condense the formation.

Because they know very well that the person with the strongest soul is challenging their majesty.


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