Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3609: Could it be him

Those who choose the Wei family’s formation route, to a certain extent, they actually have no solution.

Even the Monster Beast route, the Chaos Land route, might even be more dangerous than here.

Therefore, from the five great temples with thousands of people, it has dropped to 200 people.

But after tonight's "riots", there are only a hundred people left for these two hundred people.

Of course, there is no doubt that this ordinary person is also an elite among the elite, there is no doubt.

Some are progressing fast, some may have broken a dozen formations.

Some progress is slow, it may only break a few formations.

And some of the unlucky ones, those who can't keep up with their strength, are directly killed. Of course, most of them are forced to crush the space jade slips and send them out after reaching the limit.

And their original plan was to attack their respective formations at the same time with the greatest strength, in an attempt to consume the soul power of the entire soul-suppression tower.

And in the middle of the journey, Xiao Yu, Yanyue, and even Langchi, the three of them all thought of a question——

That is, as long as the people who cast the formation are killed, then there will be no formation of this intensity on other people.

And if it can directly kill the most powerful one, then the entire phantom killing array will be destroyed.

Of course, only a small number of people have this kind of consciousness, and most people, just because they can break through as long as they unite, this is actually wrong.

But it doesn't matter now, because the remaining hundreds of people, all the phantom killing arrays on them have completely disappeared.

And most people don't know what's going on, but they are still in the package of soul power.

But the power of these souls is very fluctuating, and they even feel unreal and vain.

But Yanyue thought in her heart: "It seems that another one has been solved."

She had guessed before that this might have been done by Xiao Yu.

And now, even if Xiao Yu killed one more Earth Spiritist in the Wei family, Yanyue would not be surprised.

"It seems that the Wei family must be anxious." Yanyue secretly said in her heart.

They don’t know how many soul cultivators there are in the Wei family, and Yanyue doesn’t know, but based on this strong soul fluctuation, if the Wei family uses the gradual increase method before, it must be difficult to kill Xiao Yu's.

In Yanyue's view, if he wanted to kill Xiao Yu all at once, at this stage, perhaps the strongest person would have to be touched, that is, the head of the Wei family.

And the other side.

Lang Chi's heart was full of surprise.

"It shouldn't be her. Although Yanyue is strong, Yanyue won't be so easy to break such a big formation, is it him?"

Lang Chi thought of Xiao Yu.

When he first saw Xiao Yu, he bluntly pointed out that Xiao Yu was a formation mage.

But until just now, he didn't even think it would be this person.

Perhaps in his impression, Xiao Yu gave him the feeling of "invisible" strength, so he didn't remember it.

But I don't know how, until this moment, he subconsciously told him that there seemed to be no one else except that person.

Because among the few people here, apart from him and Yanyue, only Li Haoguang and Gu Hong are in the Divine Origin Realm.

Li Haoguang and Gu Hong also spent several days here, but they simply couldn't reach this level.

At this moment, the whole soul-wrapped world suddenly began to vibrate.


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