Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3614: Fantasy Gun

I saw countless black fog swept under Wei Lin's feet, and then, this black cyclone fog began to condense into a black storm.

The storm swept bigger and bigger, not only shrouded Wei Lin's whole person, but also swept out a terrifying black tornado of a hundred meters away.

Even so, the black tornado was expanding infinitely at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xiao Yu could only feel that the power of the soul around him was crazily concentrated.

"That should be the ability of the so-called Soul Suppression Tower." Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Wei Lin's formation attack power suddenly doubled, and this must be the credit of this soul-suppressing tower.

And this Wei Lin, according to his previous battle, this guy is also the cultivation base of the Earth Spirit Array Mage, but borrowing the power of the Soul Calming Tower, it is obvious that his array attack is even stronger.

"The Soul Rejuvenation Tower is powerful, but he can't fully use the power of the Soul Rejuvenation Tower, or his soul realm, there is not much power that can increase it." Xiao Yu secretly said in his heart.

Xiao Yu didn't know what the Soul Resurrection Tower was. All he knew was that the Soul Resurrection Tower gave the Wei family the ability to continuously stack each person's formations, even up to twenty or thirty.

Obviously, the Soul Calming Tower still has the ability to increase the power of the soul, but the increase is not much.

In Xiao Yu's view, these are all secondary, but instead he has a strong interest in this soul-suppressing tower.

In his opinion, this soul-suppressing tower was said to be so amazing by Wei Lin, so there must be something special.

"Boy, let you try the taste of my death! Swallow!"

At the same time, the world of soul power among the remaining hundred people began to fluctuate violently.

They feel that the soul world they are in is very fragile, but the breath of the power of the soul is very powerful.

"What happened?"

"Does this so-called soul-suppression tower break?"

"Someone must be fighting inside!"

They were all surprised and uncertain, but only Yanyue still thought of a person in her heart.

"Could it be that Xiao Yu and the Wei family's Patriarch are fighting? According to the level of this soul power, it is much stronger than just now." Yanyue seemed a little worried for Xiao Yu.

Such a powerful fluctuation of the power of the soul is bound to have a big battle in it.

Moreover, when Wei Jia arrived in the current situation, he must have used all his strength.

In other words, Yanyue was worried that once the Patriarch of the Wei family moved true, Xiao Yu might be a little bit fierce.


The horrible whistling sound kept rushing over, and the black tornado seemed to swallow all things in the world.

Of course, no matter how powerful the formation Wei Lin used was, it couldn't exceed the scope of the fourth rank formation.

Seeing this scene, instead of panicking, Xiao Yu appeared unusually calm.

"In that case, let you try the Mingqiang formation I changed."

Xiao Yu secretly said in his heart, and immediately afterwards, he also held it, and a long black qiang condensed again.

This spear looked no different from the previous ones, but I don't know how, these guards actually felt a very strange aura in this formation.

"Fantasy Gun!"


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