Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3615: Break face

The same black spear tore the air and assassinated it again.

"call out!"

That kind of shrill sound shocked the souls of some of the Wei family.

It was as if his head had been penetrated by something.

"What a terrifying fourth-tier formation!"

Wei Xu, the second strongest Earth Spirit Array Mage in the Wei family besides Wei Lin, had his pupils slightly shrunk.

The power of this fourth-rank formation didn't feel as vast or as powerful as Wei Lin's.

But it gives people a feeling as if they can pierce everything.

The black spear turned into a white and transparent halo in the air at the moment it was assassinated, as if it had fallen into the space.

This of course did not disappear, but the speed of the spear was too fast, and it also contained a strange power that was not the power of the soul.

At this moment, Wei Lin in the black storm suddenly had an illusion, that is, the fifth-rank formation method, it is difficult to have such a strong aura of power!

"I don't believe I can't swallow you!!"

But Wei Lin still believed that his formation was strong enough.

After all, this is also blessed by the power of the Soul Suppression Tower!

And in the realm of his soul, he is deeper and more powerful than the other party.

The spear was really terrifying, the sharp power and the feeling of disappearing suddenly, giving people a sense of mystery.

In the next second, the black spear suddenly appeared under the face of the black storm, and suddenly penetrated the black storm.


In the next moment, countless black mists unexpectedly began to dissipate, immediately revealing Wei Lin's pale face.

Wei Lin fell to the ground at this time, and his soul had a very vain attitude inside.

"It's terrifying! What kind of formation attack is this!!" Wei Lin felt a sense of fear in his heart.

Even if he used his full strength, even if he was above the momentum and power of the formation, it was enough to suppress the opponent, but the moment he broke his own formation, it seemed to be a silent, a death sickle piercing his neck. .

If he had not gathered countless souls to resist at the last moment, he would have been killed at this time!

But even so, his soul was seriously injured.

"This kid is too terrifying, what kind of attack is he?" Wei Lin finally knew that even if he had the help of the Soul Resurrection Tower, he might not be an opponent in front of him.

Xiao Yu looked at Wei Lin calmly.

Of course he felt the injury of Wei Lin's soul, and he also knew the kind of surprise in Wei Lin's heart.

"How do you know that this is an offensive with a bit of a face-off formation, a technique I have learned from Divine Soul Dao?"

The Dark Spear Formation was learned by Xiao Yu from the scroll, but it was changed by him. This is the credit of Shenhundao.

The so-called breaking the face with a point is actually a kind of skill, which can only be effective when the difference in strength is not absolute.

As long as it is not the fifth-rank formation, and the dark spear formation uses the power of condensing souls to break a large area of ​​formation offensive, then it can achieve the point of defeating the strong with weak.

And under normal circumstances, in Xiao Yu's eyes, it was the late stage of the Divine Palace Realm, and even the peak of the Divine Palace Realm, it might not be possible to break the formation of Wei Lin just now.

At this moment, the world suddenly began to change.


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