Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3645: It's a curse (below)

At this time, Xiao Yu also fell on a piece of Huangshi Mountain on the other side.

All around were deserted high mountains, empty.

The entire sky is hazy, giving people a very ancient, even with a strange atmosphere.

"This is the space left by the **** before he became a god. This place has his will, good luck, and some of his strengths in his lifetime."

Xiao Yu exclaimed, it looked like the Secret Realm of Wreckage, but it was another plane space!

How powerful is it to be able to open up such a second world space?

"But this space is a bit unstable, and the strength it can bear is very limited." Xiao Yu said.

He has the perception of extraordinary people in it, especially for the power of the second world space, enchantment, and formation, which has a unique keen sense of it.

After all, Xiao Yu has always carried the pendant of the Second World Space given by his mother since he was a child, coupled with the constant fusion of the sky tree branches with him, the exchange of consciousness, and the fact that he is also a soul cultivator. All these make Xiao Yu feel the unknown. It can be felt a little in advance.

As usual, Xiao Yu was waiting for the Golden Wing Roc's and Qiongqi's response, but the two guys didn't say a word from the time they were outside until now.

This really made Xiao Yu feel strange.

"What happened to you two?"

Jin Wing Dapeng and Qiong Qi had recovered and were not in a deep sleep state, but the feeling they gave Xiao Yu seemed to be a bit heavy.

After a while, Qiong Qi said in a deep voice: "Boy, remember that before leaving the mainland of Tengzhou, I said that I sensed the breath of those plane hunters?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yu nodded.

At that time, Qiongqi told himself about this, and only then did he know that there was such a terrifying force in the world of nine days.

And this force turned out to be the chief culprit who forced his father to put himself in a lower plane twenty years ago.

"I have encountered these plane hunters, so I have a natural reaction to their breath. When I was outside just now, I seemed to sense them."

"What are you talking about!" Xiao Yu wasn't surprised, but instead his eyes flashed with a sharp light.

Planar hunters must know the truth twenty years ago, and they must have come to find themselves in order to eliminate the roots.

Xiao Yu couldn't wait to kill them all.

But Xiao Yu was soon calmed down by the solemn energy in his body. It was the power of Buddhism and Daoism that could calm Xiao Yu's emotions under many circumstances.

The Golden Wing Dapeng spoke, and he said solemnly: "I have also come into contact with these guys. When I was the king of the North Ming, they tried to kill me and practiced me into an elixir, but I was seriously injured and returned. In the end, if it were not for the consciousness of the **** of Beiming to protect Beiming, they would definitely come back to me."

"I know their character too well. Once they accept the task, they will definitely complete it. These desperadoes are brutal and unkind. They don't care about benevolence and morality at all, and they have many secrets, even if they get in."

Qiong Qi said: "Of course, this is just our guess. After all, the Secret Realm of Gods is under the oppression of laws. They can't enter easily. Even if they can enter, their strength will be greatly suppressed. And the old man outside just now has good strength. With him, this plane of space can be said to be temporarily safe."

Xiao Yu nodded, his eyes flashed with cold light, and said, "It's a blessing, not a curse, but a curse. But if they really get in, then I don't mind getting rid of them, so I can let me know. The truth twenty years ago."

Then Xiao Yu looked around with a punch, looking a little expectant.

"Since it is a **** secret realm, let's start and see what good things this trip can bring."


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