Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3646: Balance of power assessment

This land of Huangshan Mountain looked very barren and didn't have too much dangerous aura, but Xiao Yu had too much experience of this kind of secret realm, so he didn't dare to take it lightly.

As for the team that had made an appointment with Yanyue and Langchi beforehand, because the three had already had a sense of aura before, but Xiao Yu found that he was very vague from Yanyue and Langchi.

The so-called induction breath actually has a distance, and only when you get close will the induction be strong.

But now, Xiao Yu could only act by himself temporarily.

Xiao Yu was under the mountain at this time, and he was about to head towards the top of the mountain, only to find that there were two figures standing up on the mountain.

The eyes of the two figures fell on Xiao Yu's body, with a smile in his eyes.

"It seems that there will be prey so soon, let's go down."

When Xiao Yu injured the mountainside, he sensed two auras and swept towards him.

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his body stopped.

"Hehe, boy, you are really unlucky!" The young man on the left was talking, and the two seemed to be playing cats and mice.

"Which college are you from?" Xiao Yu asked calmly.

What makes him feel strange is that the strength of these two people is the same as his own, they are both in the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm!

"We are from Lingtian Academy." The young man on the right said lightly, and his words seemed to carry a color of pride.

Xiao Yu's expression flashed slightly, and said, "Ling Tian Academy! I took care of that kid Tong Lixing. I think your skin is also itchy, right?"

The expressions of the two young men moved.

Of course they don't know what happened when they were outside, because they entered the secret realm of the gods through another channel.

Tong Lixing is the first person in their lower house, and his strength should not be underestimated.

"Boy, don't think that you are in the middle of the gods realm and you can talk nonsense, Tong Lixing is the peak of the gods realm, what are you?"


Xiao Yu's heart moved, he had hidden his strength from beginning to end, including when he was fighting with Tong Lixing outside, his strength was at most controlled at the early stage of the Divine Palace Realm.

Although his ability to hide his breath has been seen by some people, and he is believed to have the cultivation base of the mid-term of the Divine Palace Realm, very few people know about it.

But these two people can see their cultivation at a glance?

Isn't this moving and strange?


Xiao Yu seemed to have thought of something, squinting his eyes and scanning the two people.

Just now he also sensed that these two people were the cultivation bases of the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm, but if you look closely, their power and aura are somewhat unusual.

"If I guess right, your cultivation level will never reach the realm of the gods." Xiao Yu said.


The young man on the right laughed and said, "Yes, our cultivation base is in the Ninth Layer of the Tianfu Realm, but when we met you, our strength has not only improved, but we also know your cultivation base, because this is your assessment."

Xiao Yu suddenly realized.

That's it!

Why are people from the upper house involved?

Xiao Yu still didn't understand at that time, because the people in the upper house were generally more powerful than the students in the lower house.

Wouldn't it be unfair to let them participate?

If a student of the upper court in the late Shenfu realm encounters a lower court examiner who only has the Heavenly Sun realm, then it is almost impossible to pass the upper court examination.

Therefore, this enchantment will give the upper court students a kind of oppression and strength by law.

This so-called oppression and strength change according to the strength of the examiners they encounter.

If the examiner they meet is stronger than them, they can obtain the same realm strength.

Conversely, if the examiner's strength is weaker than theirs, their strength will be weakened to the same strength.

This is the assessment.

"So that's it." Xiao Yu nodded in his heart, but his heart was quite settled.

The young man on the right sneered: "In order to punish your unhindered, no matter which college you are from, we will expel you!"



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