Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3647: Guan Hong's Wrath (Part 1)

When it was said that it was too late, the two of them rushed towards Xiao Yu.

Obviously, both of them are smart people.

They know very clearly that since this person's strength is in the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm, is it an ordinary person?

And their actual strength is only that of the Ninth Level of the Tianfu Realm.

Although the academy selected them for this assessment, the two of them are also at the bottom of the upper yard of Lingtian Academy.

In addition, their task is to make as many students from other colleges as possible to fail this test!

The two rushed towards Xiao Yu one after another, and the powerful might immediately suppressed it.

You know, the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm is enough to rank first-class talented children among the remaining hundreds of students in the lower courtyard.

And they didn't know that Xiao Yu was not even afraid of Tong Lixing, who had erupted in the late stage of the Shenfu Realm cultivation base, let alone feared these two people?

"It turns out that, although they have been promoted to the same level as mine because of the power of the secret realm, they are still a bit strong outside and inside."

The reason why Xiao Yu was not afraid was because his background was strong enough, coupled with the extremely vast and profound power bestowed on him by the Jin-Rank Divine Palace, which made him not afraid of the puppet reading in the late Divine Palace realm.

After a breath, Xiao Yu also moved.

The golden light flashed away, and Xiao Yu's figure was about to leave only a golden light on the ground!

A circle of ripples rushed out, and then Xiao Yu slapped him towards the past.

In a short while, only a golden claw was torn the air, and a powerful and wild aura swept out.

The third type of Zhenlong pile, exploring the dragon claw!

The claws shrouded over, and the two of them seemed to have encountered a wild beast, their faces changed greatly.

The two profound level spiritual arts whizzed out one after another.


How could Xiao Yu’s claws be comparable to those of the previous claws. Under one claw, Xiao Yu seemed to be in a state of no one, as if breaking through a bamboo, breaking the offensive of the two, and slapped one of them .


One of them was so scared that he vomited blood and flew upside down.

Xiao Yu turned around and blasted out again with a punch, the surging power of the gods condensed, and the shining golden light of the fist was infinitely magnified in the eyes of another person.


The man's chest sank in immediately, causing serious injuries.

The two of them looked pale, who is this person? How can it be so powerful! !

"Get out!" Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and he shouted violently, and immediately took another palm and snapped it.

The pupils of the two shrank, and this palm style still contained incomparably vast momentum.

The ground they were on suddenly cracked.

"Run away!"

When the two thoughts, they quickly smashed the jade slip of space, the two rays of light flickered, and they disappeared in place.

After driving off the two of them, Xiao Yu left this place directly.


Outside the secret.

At this time the five elders are all waiting patiently.

The only middle-aged man in the middle was lying on the ground and fell asleep.

The elders shook their heads slightly, helpless and had no choice.

At this moment, the light flashed, but two figures appeared on the platform.

This immediately alarmed the elders of the Five Colleges.

When Guan Hong saw these two people, his expression changed.

"Zhang Ming, Yang Xi, why did you two come out?"


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