Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3648: Guan Hong's Wrath (Part 2)

Both of them were the upper courtyard of Lingtian Academy, and Guan Hong was really familiar with them.

But in any case, he couldn't imagine that the first one to be eliminated was the academy of their Lingtian Academy!

It was Yunsheng College, Chenyuan College, Zifu College, Cangling College that grew old, all of which were a little unexpected.

The foundation of Lingtian College is obvious to all, at least in terms of overall strength, it is stronger than Chenyuan College and Cangling College.

Of course, among the individual students, the students from the Upper House of Lingtian College are not necessarily better than those from Chenyuan College and Cangling College.

It’s just too fast after entering, right?

Zhang Ming and Yang Xi flushed, and they looked ashamed.

"Elder Guan, we have tried our best, but that kid is too strong." Zhang Ming said with a bit of irritation.

Guan Hong's face sank, and said, "Who eliminated you?"

At this time, Guan Hong's psychology can be described as a hundred anger.

A moment ago, Xiao Yu himself had won the prize one after another, and the resentment was still squeezed. The students from the Upper House who were eliminated first came from their Lingtian Academy!

As soon as Guan Hong said this, the elders of Chenyuan Academy teased: "How about Guan Hong, do you want to settle accounts after Autumn? Haha, it seems that Lingtian Academy can't afford to lose!"

Guan Hong's face sank suddenly, and he looked over coldly, and said: "If your people from Chenyuan College do it, you really have this strength. Even if I know about it, you won't be afraid? Besides, you Chenyuan The academy has this strength, I am afraid there are only one or two."

The face of the elder of Chenyuan Academy was ugly.

His teasing was exchanged for Guan Hong's ridicule, and even more so that he was ridiculed that they had no one in Lingtian Academy.

"Guan Hong, it seems that you are in a hurry to jump over the wall, don't you? Just say it if you can't afford to lose. If you only have this strength, you should not be ashamed of coming here for the next assessment." The elder of Chenyuan College He sarcastically went back again.

Guan Hong's face was blue and red, and he furiously said, "Mu Xing, do you really think that I dare not do anything with you here? I use seven powers and you are not my opponent, do you believe it?

Mu Xing's expression sank, the elders of Chenyuan Academy were indeed inferior to Lingtian Academy on the whole.

And this Guan Hong's strength is also stronger than Mu Xing's top half, if the two really make a move, Mu Xing will have no confidence.

But Guan Hong was already bullying the head, and Mu Xing immediately took a step and said: "Don't think that you are better than me and I will be afraid of you. If you really fight, you will not be any better!"

The two men are at war, and the battle seems to be about to start.

The white-robed old man from Yunsheng College said indifferently: "If you two have a trouble, you can find a time later, and don't disturb the rest of senior."

Guan Hong and Mu Xing immediately calmed down and looked at the middle-aged man who lay soundly asleep not far away.

But all cultivators, meditating, sleeping, etc. can't be completely restrained in consciousness. Their quarrels are actually known to middle-aged people.

In other words, the middle-aged beggar is still sleeping soundly. It doesn't mean that he doesn't know, and it doesn't mean that they can make trouble here.

The elders of Yunsheng Academy were reminding them that if they were to fight here, the consequences would be unimaginable.


Guan Hong glanced at Mu Xing coldly, and then asked the two people in his college.

"It hasn't been three minutes since the secret realm has been opened. What is the level of the people you meet."

"That person doesn't know which academy he belongs to, but his strength is in the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm!"

Suddenly, the hearts of several elders present were all surprised.


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