Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3649: Dangerous riverside

The cultivation base that can reach the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm is absolutely rare.

Take Cangling Academy as an example, there are only two cultivation bases above the middle stage of the Divine Mansion Realm, Ju Wen Mansion and Sima Kou.

No matter how it is like Chenyuan Academy, there are only four or five people above the middle stage of Shenfu Realm.

Zifu Academy is more, with as many as seven or eight people.

Needless to say, Yunsheng Academy, Gu Xichun is already a powerhouse in the psychic realm, and there are as many as a dozen people above the Shenfu realm, and there are as many as ten people above the middle of the Shenfu realm.

"Are you sure it is really in the middle of the Divine Palace Realm?" Guan Hong asked again.

However, under this inquiry, there was no such anger as before.

Because the Divine Palace Realm is considered to be a person who has a greater chance to enter the upper court in this secret realm.

Moreover, they also decided within Lingtian Academy. When they arrived at the Divine Palace Realm, if they were really unlucky and failed to pass this assessment, they would conduct another internal screening, and then let these failed people enter the upper court.

After all, no matter how you say it, Shenfu Realm has formed a watershed with Tianfu Realm.

If Zhang Ming and Yang Xi really encountered the Divine Palace Realm, they would not feel embarrassed if they were defeated. No matter what, their cultivation base was only the Ninth Level of the Tianfu Realm, but they were blessed by the laws of the Secret Realm.

"But this kid has a very peculiar body-refining technique on his body, which has an aura that resembles a wild monster."

Guan Hong frowned, and the elders of the other three colleges were all thinking.

Obviously they were imagining who the two were eliminated, but in the end they didn't have much clue.

On the contrary, it is growing old, which is one kind in my heart.

"Body training exercises, monster breath?"


After solving Zhang Ming and Yang Xi of Lingtian College, Xiao Yu came to the edge of a river.

Several hours have passed along the way, but Xiao Yu never met another person.

"It seems that this secret realm is really big."

Xiao Yu meditated for a while beside the river, and after he recovered, he was ready to get up.

Before the assessment, he already knew that the danger in the secret realm was not only from the unknown secret realm, but also with the participation of the upper courtyard students.

But relatively speaking, the dangers from human beings are known. Although human beings are insidious and cunning and have repeatedly prevented them from passing assessments, relatively speaking, they are better than unknown dangers.

People's greatest fear comes from unknown territory.

However, to some extent, it is precisely because of the unknown that everything becomes interesting and adventurous.

Xiao Yu was just about to leave the river, but at this moment, the river suddenly sprang out a huge tentacle, which immediately tied Xiao Yu's legs firmly.

Xiao Yu's expression changed slightly, and before he could react, his entire body was directly dragged into the water without any warning.

Moreover, after being dragged into the water, the speed was still very fast, dragging Xiao Yu towards the bottom of the water extremely fast.

Xiao Yu struggled. In the water, his power was great, but he couldn't use it at all, mainly because his legs were restrained.

Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly drenched, and suddenly the Seven Star Sword was ready to start, and a flash of sword light suddenly flashed under the clear river bottom.


With the sense of consciousness splicing together, Xiao Yu cut off the tentacles that held him, preparing to swim out of the water.

However, Xiao Yu felt several extremely terrifying auras oppressing him under the river bottom.

Without hesitation, Xiao Yu's body flashed with golden light, and the Jinshi flash technique was used under the water.

With three flashes, Xiao Yu just got out of the water.


At the same time, with a loud bang, the tentacles formed by the five currents also jumped out of the water, swooping towards Xiao Yu like a water monster floating in the sky.

"Naughty animal!"


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