Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3655: Tyrannical Upper House Students (Part 2)

Xiao Yu had no intention of avoiding it at all.

Although both students from Cangling Academy, this is also an opportunity for myself to experience.

Saying that the time is too late, Xiao Yu stomped on the ground, his whole body flashed with golden light, and once again turned into a touch of golden light, he slaughtered him.

This trick again!

To be honest, they felt very shocked when Xiao Yu used this spiritual technique just now.

Metallic spirituality, and also contains the power of space!

Ding Qi sensed it just now.

He knows too well that even in the upper court, there are very few who can feel the power of this space law!

It is Brother Dai that is only the first contact with the power of this space law!

It was too late and it was fast. The two in the upper house were indeed not ordinary people. They quickly reacted, and the spiritual arts began to unfold again.


The two offensives fell on the spot.

Xiao Yu squeezed his hand, and the dark spear formation was deployed on the spot, and the power of the soul condensed into a black dark spear, which was suddenly thrown by Xiao Yu.


The ghost spear array was divided into two immediately, corresponding to the spiritual attacks of the two.

"Four-Rank Formation!"

Dinch, who hadn't done it, was taken aback.

If it were an ordinary Rank 4 formation, it would not be enough to shock him, but this attack formation was too weird.

The two black spears instantly became translucent in the air, and then disappeared!

Fantasy gun!


The complexion of the tall young man and the young man with thick eyebrows changed drastically. The opponent's fourth-rank formation was too fast, and it was beyond his imagination.

In an instant, the offensive suddenly exploded, and the invisible soul fluctuated like an invisible mountain, and it shook on the spot, and the internal organs in their bodies were suddenly strongly oppressed.

Ding Qi's eyes flashed sharply, and immediately put away the kind of teasing and contempt.

They originally thought that with their perception ability and combat instinct beyond the realm of God's Palace, they would still have the upper hand even when the realm of strength was suppressed.

But they were wrong.

The fighting instinct and fighting talent that Xiao Yu showed was simply a monster.

"No! Hurry up!" Ding Qi's expression changed, and he hurriedly shouted, and at the same time he jumped up.

At the same time, how could Xiao Yu miss this great opportunity, he rushed over again, and blasted out with one punch.

The golden light billowed and flowed endlessly, and the air suddenly oscillated.

The tall young man's pupils shrank, and he flew out with a punch by Xiao Yu. His chest was completely sunken on the spot, and a huge circular gap burst into the clothes behind him, and his whole body flew out.


Xiao Yu turned around, his eyes condensed, and the stone flash technique was used again, and in the blink of an eye he reached the young man with thick eyebrows.

Before fighting against Xiao Yu, they didn't even know that Xiao Yu's fighting consciousness was so terrifying.

At the same level, they don't seem to be opponents at all!

The young man with thick eyebrows simply didn't have time to dodge, so he put his hands on his chest, accompanied by Xiao Yu's terrifying energy and blood.



The thick eyebrow youth was also blown out.

"the second."

At this time, Ding Qi's figure had also arrived, and a fierce power was enveloped, and Xiao Yu suddenly felt a powerful pressure.

"call out!"

Xiao Yu dodged and dodged away.

On the spot, Ding Qi's offensive suddenly hit the air, and the air suddenly exploded.

"It seems that you are a step late." Xiao Yu said lightly.

Ding Qi's face sank slightly.

"It seems that I still underestimate you. Brother Dai's worries are correct. With me, I will not let you enter the upper court."


Ding Qi stomped on the ground, his body swelled, and an extraordinary aura swept out.

"Don't you want to enter the upper court just to be able to pass into the Black Flame Peak justifiably? Then I will let you see the power of the main peak!!"


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