Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3656: High-grade Lingbao, Earth-level knife

For Ding Qi, being able to enter the upper court is not the most proud of him, but the most proud of being able to enter the main peak.

Those who can enter the main peak are all selected from the many elite students in the upper house.

But when Xiao Yu came up, both of his companions were injured.

No mercy, no love.

This made Ding Qi become angry.

The essence of Ding Qi's body flashed, an invisible wave like a wave, as if to break a certain seal, was rising rapidly.

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

The fighting aura that Ding Qi erupted at this moment was much stronger than those of the two upper houses.

Although it was the same as himself, it was the aura of the mid-Divine Palace realm, but it was different, the power aura on Ding Qi was full of a sense of vastness.

It's like the same amount of water, one from the sea and one from the river.

How can the vastness of the sea be compared to the narrowness of the river?


A force suddenly broke out on Ding Qi, and a ripple shook out.

At this moment, Ding Qi's body seemed to contain a kind of halo inside, giving people the posture of stopping the mountain.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Qi flipped his hand and a long knife appeared.

Top grade Lingbao!

"Lie Ling eighteen spins!"

Ding Qi had heard too much about Xiao Yu's deeds in the lower court, and he knew that Xiao Yu's combat effectiveness was definitely not in the mid-Divine Palace realm.

It was the students in their upper court whose power was suppressed in the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm. When the two joined hands, they were suppressed by Xiao Yu on the spot.

It can be said that no one believes it.

So when Ding Qi came up, he didn't mean to keep his hands.

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and Ding Qi's ultimate move really surprised him.

"Although the realm of strength is suppressed by the rules here, it is the same as mine, but weapons and spiritual skills are still their peak state."

This made Xiao Yu think that even if the realm of strength is suppressed to the same level, in addition to the combat instinct and combat experience, there are these auxiliary things outside of the body?

Is this fair?

But having said that, there is no absolute fairness in the world.

Ding Qi's sword technique directly reached the level of prefecture-level sword technique!

High-grade Lingbao, Earth-level sword technique!

Even the late stage of the Shenfu Realm is hard to reach!

It was too late to say that it was fast, eighteen sharp blade lights quickly condensed in the air, and the dazzling sword technique simply shrouded half of the sky.

"Boy, seeing it is better than hearing it, let me check it out today to see if you are eligible to enter the upper court!!" Ding Qi's eyes flashed and the knife pointed at Xiao Yu.

Eighteen Ling Ling's crazy swords were culled instantly.

In Ding Qi's view, if Xiao Yu could not hide, he would be killed!

Because he was confident that even in the late stage of the Divine Palace Realm, he could not compete!

"Want to know if I have this ability, when I break your sword skills, you will know!"

While talking, the Seven Star Sword started, and suddenly it was cut up.

Ding Qi and his two companions are indeed different, and as soon as Xiao Yu came up, he urged a Star Soul.

The starlight turned into a sharp blade, and only the brilliant golden light burst out, and the golden light was like a golden curtain pouring down from the sky, volleying bacteria up.

In an instant, Ding Qi's expression changed.

"The weapon spirit offensive! This...the **** weapon spirit!!"


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