Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3657: Defeat the children of the main peak

Can enter the main peak, whether it is vision or insight?

Ding Qi suddenly judged that the golden light used by Xiao Yu was a magic weapon spirit, which shocked him very much.

"Could it be one of the three spirits brought back by Elder Peng that time?" The tall young man was pale.

The young man with thick eyebrows said in horror: "More than one? The spirits of the three wrecks of the gods have been collected by him!"

The incident of Elder Peng at the Refining Pavilion in the Lower Court made the entire Upper Court dissatisfied with Xiao Yu!

Of course, they gradually forgot after that incident, and they didn't remember until Xiao Yu used the offensive of this magic weapon.

At the level of Ding Qi, it is very difficult to have a spirit treasure level weapon, not to mention the **** weapon spirit!

Even if Ding Qi has the blessing of the power of his main peak, Tuna, and the dual assistance of high-grade spirit treasure and earth-level swordsmanship, he has to condense the power of his body again.

At this moment, Ding Qi seemed to lose a little confidence.


The golden light was impressively Yang Yao's offensive.

Although Xiao Yu has not fully penetrated the two types of weapon spirits of Yang Yao and Frost, but this is a magic weapon spirit!

For people in the Divine Palace Realm or the Psychic Realm, it is enough.

The sword energy of Yang Yao and the Seven Star Sword collided with each other's 18 swords.

Countless strong winds are moving towards bacteria in all directions.

"Get out!!"

Ding Qi yelled, and then he ate with both hands and shouted, and immediately cut out more than a dozen knives in an attempt to dissolve these knives.

And the tall young man and the young man with thick eyebrows finally showed a kind of fear, where are they in the mood to escape?

They smashed the teleportation jade slip quickly, and immediately teleported it out.

This level of offensive is really terrible!


But they still took a long time. The tall young people and the young men with thick eyebrows were affected by that kind of sword light. The flesh was cut out of several large pieces, but in the end it turned into a light and disappeared in place.

However, Ding Qi is worthy of being the elite child of the main peak. He reacted in an instant, and the blades appeared endlessly, resisting most of the aftermath, but the robes on his body were still cut into pieces, and bones were visible!

The blade light was scattered, and Xiao Yu was being enveloped by Yang Yao at this time, and the blade light just now could hardly affect him at all.

"Now you know if I am qualified?" Xiao Yu walked towards Ding Qi step by step.

Ding Qi's eyes were filled with a look of jealousy, his own sword attack just now almost exhausted his own strength!

And Xiao Yu didn't mean to let him go.

Xiao Yu started to walk towards Ding Qi with the sword, and the sharp sword energy began to be contained.

Ding Qi knew that it was already difficult for him to avoid this blow.

But at this moment, Ding Qi's heart moved, and he immediately looked in a certain direction and said in surprise, "Brother Dai."

"Brother Dai?"

Xiao Yu couldn't help forgetting the past, but saw a figure slowly walking towards them.

Slowly, this figure slowly came into Xiao Yu's eyes.

The tall body is full of Chen Wei's breath.

Xiao Yu naturally didn't know who this person was, and this person was surprisingly the leader of those who participated in the assessment in the upper house, Brother Dai.

"Are you Xiao Yu?"


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