Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3658: How do you get past me

After Brother Dai arrived, he looked at Xiao Yu calmly.

Just like Ding Qi and the others, Xiao Yu's disturbance in the lower court had already attracted Senior Brother Dai.

And Brother Dai also minded that the little Junior Sister he loved had a little interest in this person. This was intolerable to Senior Brother Dai.

Of course he wasn't jealous of Xiao Yu, but thought that even if Xiao Yu jumped high, he was still a member of the lower house, and whether he could come to the upper house was still unknown.

However, in the past few months, Xiao Yu has come from a low plane to a high plane, and step by step has reached the point where it can compete with Ju Wenfu's existence, which makes them feel very shocked.

Chakra, Condensation Wheel, Tianyang, Tianfu, and even the mid-term of the Divine Palace!

Yes, the moment Brother Dai's cultivation level met Xiao Yu, he was automatically degraded to the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm.

What a shocking speed of cultivation?

Brother Dai carried his hands on his back and exclaimed in awe, and said, "You have only been in the college for half a year, right?"

"Unexpectedly, from a handyman to the current Divine Palace realm, you can even squeeze into the upper court. Even in the upper court, with your cultivation base, you can also appear in the upper middle position."

Xiao Yu didn't know the overall strength of the upper court, but he knew that if it were in the past, the Tianfu realm would basically be able to enter the upper court, let alone the gods realm.

It's just that the difficulty of the entrance exam is greatly increased, and the Shenfu Realm is considered as the threshold for entering the upper court of the major temples.

However, Xiao Yu's enchanting speed of cultivation was already hailed as a shock to the heavens.

It seemed that he was complimenting himself, but Xiao Yu could feel it. In Brother Dai's words, there was a different flavor in it.

"No wonder Little Junior Sister wants to know you so much!" Senior Brother Dai sighed slightly.

Ding Qi's heart moved, and his eyes became a little exciting.

Xiao Yu didn't know who Senior Brother Dai was, let alone what little Junior Sister Dai was. He just stared at Senior Brother Dai. He knew that this person's strength was unfathomable.

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, I didn't expect to meet you so soon, but I was in the distance just now. I saw your battles. You are indeed very talented. Do you know what I'm thinking?"

"I'm thinking, if you are put in the upper court, maybe your strength will really improve by leaps and bounds."

"But I'm thinking again, since the elders of the academy sent me in, I have a responsibility to handle this level."

"You have to go to the college, you have to pass me."

Brother Dai's righteous words were indifferent and selfless, but Xiao Yu heard them completely on the surface and secretly.

"Haha, it turned out to be jealous for your little junior sister." Xiao Yu sneered.

At first, he just saw Brother Dai, thinking this was an image of strict law enforcement and selflessness.

If this is really the case, Xiao Yu will definitely go all out if he keeps this hurdle, and he will definitely look at this Brother Dai.

But if there is another purpose or selfishness in it, it will make people feel offensive.

However, Senior Brother Dai's face did not fluctuate at the slightest, and he calmly said: "Xiao Yu, it is your bad luck to meet me. At the college, there are elders and teachers who protect you. Outside, you can also have luck with you, but Here, you are only one person, how are you going to get past me?"

After Brother Dai said, the breath on his body started to rise.

So strong!


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