Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3677: Bog explosion

Obviously, the quagmire behemoth is also spiritual.

Although the laws within this divine wreck space are different from those outside, even the monsters here are not suppressed by blood.

But the quagmire behemoth also knew that this human obviously had really gotten a killer move.

The behemoth of the quagmire suddenly crawled down, like a hill, and then the mudslides that flowed down on it began to go upside down. In just an instant, the behemoth of the quagmire turned into a circular quagmire!


Tong Lixing was determined to kill this quagmire monster, and he was confident in his swordsmanship, how could he be easily frightened.


The cyan long sword suddenly chopped down like a knife and cut water. With a loud noise, the hundred-meter-large body of the quagmire behemoth was cut into one-third of the scars on the spot!

And the cyan sharp blade got stuck after one-third of its depth, and it was no longer able to continue cutting.

"It's terrible! Is this the power of high-grade Lingbao?"

"This monster is going to peel off if it doesn't die!"

There was a screaming scream, and blood flowed out like water on the wound.

Tong Lixing obviously did not expect that the defense of the quagmire behemoth was so terrifying that it would have blocked his blow.

Of course, this quagmire monster was also injured.

"One more blow, you will definitely die!" Tong Lixing's eyes flashed murderously.

After spending so much energy and time on him, if there is no good fortune this time, he will definitely beat his feet and chest.

Just when he was about to launch the final blow, some light flickered on the quagmire monster.



Tong Lixing frowned. Suddenly, his expression changed, and he shouted at his three companions: "It's going to explode! Full defense!!"

These three Lingtian College students are also children of some big families. They said they came with Tong Lixing, but they had a good relationship with Tong Lixing, so they believed Tong Lixing's words very much.

At the moment Tong Lixing called, they didn't even think about it, they directly urged their full defense to defend.

Almost for an instant, the light on the quagmire monster was like a bright sun, and the buzzing sound became more intense. The next second, there was a loud "boom" and the quagmire beast exploded!

Countless mud swamps flew out, some of the dozens of people did not react, and they were killed by the shock wave of the explosion, and some were seriously injured.

In the blink of an eye, a team of thirty or forty people actually killed a dozen people, and they didn't even have time to smash the jade slips of space.

And Tong Lixing impressively took the defensive formation back and used it for defense.

But you must know that Tong Lixing was the closest to the explosion center, so he was also the most affected.

The defense was shattered, and Tong Lixing also suffered some injuries.

After the quagmire beast exploded, there were dozens of shining objects scattered on the quagmire, including scrolls, elixir, and even some weird things.

The eyes of the remaining twenty or thirty people suddenly became ecstatic.

This is the treasure that burst out after the quagmire monster was killed!

Tong Lixing's gaze did not fall on these treasures of good fortune, and he felt a strange breath.

Who knows, just now, the quagmire scattered by the giant quagmire exploded, suddenly surging, and immediately rushed away from the quagmire in a certain direction!

"It's not dead yet!!"

Tong Lixing's eyes were cold, the vitality of the behemoth in the quagmire was simply beyond his imagination.

"Qian Xin, you stay here! I'll go after it!!"

"call out!"

Tong Lixing immediately turned into an afterimage and caught up.

And under a certain big tree, a figure flickered, and it was Xiao Yu.

"Fool, that's adjusting the tiger away from the mountain." Xiao Yu said with a smile.

Then, Xiao Yu ran off in the opposite direction of Tong Lixing.


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