Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3678: Tiaohulishan

After Tong Lixing chased him up, he was chased and lost in a forest immediately!

No, to be precise, there should be a large beach of mud as many as tens of meters in the forest, but there is no vitality!

Looking at this scene on the ground, Tong Lixing's expression was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

He was fooled!

Just now, he clearly chased the mud in the direction of fleeing, but when he arrived in the woods, he found that the breath of the mud was scattered everywhere, and then he chased it down with a palm of it, and there was nothing left. mud!

The huge body of a hundred meters was too severely dispersed after the explosion, and the mud was obviously not stupid, and knew how to distract Tong Lixing.

"Damn it!!" Tong Lixing clenched his fists, his nails sinking deep into it.

The situation that he originally thought was controlled by him, now he can get nothing!


On the other hand, Xiao Yu and Tong Lixing are completely different scenes.

Xiao Yu followed a certain breath for three hours, and finally found a tens of meters high like a muddy flow by the river.

Amazingly it is the behemoth of the quagmire!

"It seems that my guess is correct." Xiao Yu smiled slightly.

This quagmire monster is also very cunning.

At the moment of the explosion, he scattered his mind and breath among countless quagmire, attracting Tong Lixing to pursue him.

At the beginning, these muds rushed out in the same direction, but Tong Lixing was eager to kill the enemy and didn't pay attention. In fact, some of the exploded muds were above the muds, and these muds really possessed the mud consciousness. of!

In other words, the part that escaped was only a small part of the mud, with only a little consciousness and aura, and the real majority of consciousness fled in the opposite direction.

This is Tiaohu Lishan!

If Xiao Yu hadn't had the branches of the sky tree spreading under the mud all the time to observe and sense it, it would be hard for him to notice the mud slipping away at this time.

In addition, those people just took care of robbing the good fortune that fell on the ground, how could they notice the sneaking in the mud?

In fact, Xiao Yu also had a gamble in it.

Because if he doesn't chase this quagmire monster, he will go back to the quagmire, and he will almost certainly get some good treasures, such as spiritual arts, weapons and so on.

But weapons were obviously not attractive to him, and Xiao Yu didn't need spiritual skills either.

The reason why he chased it out was to see if there were some special destinies in this quagmire monster.

At this time, the quagmire behemoth still had some blood flowing on its body, and its breath was also very weak.

This high-ranked monster is indeed much stronger than the one Xiao Yu had encountered before.

Xiao Yu stood up, and this quagmire behemoth suddenly became vigilant, and his eyes as big as copper bells stared at Xiao Yu.

It suddenly roared, but ignored Xiao Yu, and merged directly into the river.

This is a quagmire. Once it is in the water, it will melt away. If Xiao Yu still wants to find its true body, then it will be even more difficult.

"It just happens to come in handy!"

Xiao Yu moved his mind and dragged his hands into the void.

But there was a huge torrent extending from the river, which suddenly enveloped the giant quagmire.

Yes, this is amazingly the profound level spirit technique Xiao Yu obtained from the water monster beast, the water entangling technique!


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